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New Re: In general, whether the doctor says or not
White flour is a Bad Thing. Especially since you have issues with your blood sugar levels. Processed grain like bleached flour, white rice, and white pasta all cause a huge spike in your blood sugar levels, which is what causes your insulin to overreact.

As an example, eating a potato causes a bigger, quicker rise in blood sugar levels than eating the equivalent amount of table sugar.

Good thing I hate potatoes then. :)

Whole grains take longer to digest (and have more nutrition value, for that matter) and don't cause the spikes in blood sugar. The digestion process spreads the blood sugar out over time, which is what you need.

Which do you like less: whole wheat bread, or headaches, fatigue, and the other symptoms you get from hypoglycemia?

I don't know, Scott. At this point I'm mostly scared. She said to try balancing it out and see how things worked, this has not been happening before, only happened this weekend, and she thinks it's because I didn't eat so long between the meal and the next one and didn't balance out the proteins and carbs.

Rice is my favorite food, I eat it as minute rice and as rice you buy in the restaurants, and I've been eating it for years, it never messed with me before. I'm not even sure what a whole grain is. I eat lots of corn chex and peanuts and other things on the list that are good foods, so I guess unless this becomes a real issue that has to be treated a lot more seriously, I'll try what she said.

I balanced things out yesterday and had no symptoms, isn't that a good sign?

Nightowl >8#

Edit: When it comes to bread, I rarely ever eat any. I keep a white loaf in the freezer and rarely eat any. I have to keep it in the freezer because I eat so little bread that my loaf goes bad if I don't. Wonder if wheat chex would be a good idea to try?
"I learned to be the door, instead of the mat!" "illegitimi nil carborundum"

Comment by Nightowl
Expand Edited by Nightowl Sept. 17, 2003, 11:25:33 AM EDT
New Again, in general...
Whether you have hypoglycemia or not.

Whether you have diabetes or not.

White flour is ground exceedingly fine. This means it gets converted to sugar very quickly. White rice is very starchy (as are potatoes) - same thing. Both will cause blood sugar spikes which over the long term lead to type II diabetes.

Whole grains haven't been processed like white flour, and don't get digested as quickly. They also contain fiber, unlike white flour. Whole wheat bread and "wild" rice are examples of whole grain foods.

Balancing things out may help in the short run, yes. Eating better food will help in the long run, though.

I'm not telling you to do anything. I'm just giving you information that you (apparently) don't know that should enable you to make better dietary decisions as a whole, not just in reaction to a health crisis. The point is to *avoid* the crisis in the first place.

-scott anderson

"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
New Re: Again, in general...
White flour is ground exceedingly fine. This means it gets converted to sugar very quickly. White rice is very starchy (as are potatoes) - same thing. Both will cause blood sugar spikes which over the long term lead to type II diabetes.

Whole grains haven't been processed like white flour, and don't get digested as quickly. They also contain fiber, unlike white flour. Whole wheat bread and "wild" rice are examples of whole grain foods.

Balancing things out may help in the short run, yes. Eating better food will help in the long run, though.

I'm not telling you to do anything. I'm just giving you information that you (apparently) don't know that should enable you to make better dietary decisions as a whole, not just in reaction to a health crisis. The point is to *avoid* the crisis in the first place.

I know that, and I'm sorry I'm so scared about it all right now. But you can't just eat whole grains for breakfast either, she said for me to eat protein.

Mostly I think I'm confused... scared AND confused. (sigh). I almost had a panic attack over this whole mess last night, and I don't want one today either. I think it's all very new to me and very scary right now.

Nightowl >8#

"I learned to be the door, instead of the mat!" "illegitimi nil carborundum"

Comment by Nightowl
New Re: Again, in general...
Protein lowers the glycemic index of foods. So does fat and fiber. My point was that if you eat lower glycemic index foods to begin with, you don't have to mix things just to keep the blood sugar from spiking.

Incidentally, corn chex has an index of 83 -- it's one of the worst foods out there. White rice is 90 -- even worse. To contrast that, mixed grain bread is 48.

-scott anderson

"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
     Re: Google is your friend. - (Nightowl) - (35)
         What you can do - (orion) - (34)
             Re: What you can do - (Nightowl) - (33)
                 What to watch - (jbrabeck) - (3)
                     Re: What to watch - (Nightowl) - (2)
                         Replied yesterday, by network ate it... - (jbrabeck) - (1)
                             As I understand it... - (admin)
                 Watch what you eat - (orion) - (28)
                     When is just as important -NT - (bepatient) - (1)
                         Re: When is just as important - (Nightowl)
                     Re: Watch what you eat - (Nightowl) - (25)
                         Breakfast food... - (admin) - (24)
                             Re: Breakfast food... - (Nightowl) - (5)
                                 In general, whether the doctor says or not - (admin) - (4)
                                     Re: In general, whether the doctor says or not - (Nightowl) - (3)
                                         Again, in general... - (admin) - (2)
                                             Re: Again, in general... - (Nightowl) - (1)
                                                 Re: Again, in general... - (admin)
                             Re: Breakfast food... - (deSitter) - (17)
                                 Yay! And british-stylee... - (pwhysall) - (14)
                                     Spam, eggs, bacon, spam, and spam. -NT - (admin) - (1)
                                         My breakfast of champions - (inthane-chan)
                                     what? no Kippers in there? -NT - (boxley) - (11)
                                         tasty fish -NT - (SpiceWare) - (10)
                                             Re: tasty fish - (Nightowl) - (9)
                                                 Ooo, fish for breakfast... - (inthane-chan) - (1)
                                                     herring eggs, poke salmon(smoked cured in seal oil) - (boxley)
                                                 I often have cereal for dinner :-) -NT - (SpiceWare) - (6)
                                                     Re: I often have cereal for dinner :-) - (Nightowl)
                                                     Cereal with Orange Juice - (Arkadiy) - (1)
                                                         Not I. - (inthane-chan)
                                                     I've been tempted, but not yet. - (static)
                                                     See you and raise you - (kmself) - (1)
                                                         We won't talk about - (jake123)
                                 Morel mushrooms on toast__Mmmm__Breakfast of Champignons -NT - (Ashton) - (1)
                                     ROFL -NT - (deSitter)

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