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New What you can do
is eat a snack every few hours. My father has it, and I had it for a while but it went away. Not sure how it went away, but one blood test said I had it, and then I took another blood test and it said I didn't have it.

Usually a snack of two food groups. Like peanut butter and crackers. Or just one food group like peanuts, an apple, an orange, but try to stay away from junk food. if you can. If you start to feel lightheaded, take a snack and see if it goes away.

I think if you have the money you can buy BP glutose tablets, but having food around is cheaper and tastes better. Remember that you have low blood sugar, and eating something can bring the blood sugar back up. Just don't eat too much.

"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"

New Re: What you can do
Okay, I can eat a snack, but for example, this morning, I want to eat my pancakes, and I don't have any sausages yet (we're gonna get them tonight). So if I say, ate a cracker with cream cheese on it, with the pancakes, or something, would that help balance it out?

This is soooo frustrating.

Thanks for the input, Norman.

"I learned to be the door, instead of the mat!" "illegitimi nil carborundum"

Comment by Nightowl
New What to watch
I have diabetes. Don't need insulin, just meds and watch what I eat.

For me, I have to read the labels and limit the number of carbohydrates I consume. 90 grams a day broken down 15g morning, 30gr Lunch and 45gr for dinner. If I start to feel dizzy, low blood sugar, then I need to eat something, candy bar has 10-30gr carbs in it. OJ is terrible for me, lots of carbs.

If you have low blood sugar, then you'll need to have a constant supply of carbs spread thoughout the day. See if you doctor will prescribe a blood monitoring device. Then you can check your blood frequently to start, and then periodically during the day. (Frequently until you find how your body is metabolizing the carbs. DO NOT measure within 2 hours of eating as your body will not have been able to burn off the carbs you just consumed.


New Re: What to watch
I have diabetes. Don't need insulin, just meds and watch what I eat.

For me, I have to read the labels and limit the number of carbohydrates I consume. 90 grams a day broken down 15g morning, 30gr Lunch and 45gr for dinner. If I start to feel dizzy, low blood sugar, then I need to eat something, candy bar has 10-30gr carbs in it. OJ is terrible for me, lots of carbs.

Yeah, John and I are reading labels and figuring things out about what is better for me or not. I need to check the label on Sunny Delight, I was thinking of drinking that in between Pepsis so I have less sugar.

If you have low blood sugar, then you'll need to have a constant supply of carbs spread thoughout the day. See if you doctor will prescribe a blood monitoring device. Then you can check your blood frequently to start, and then periodically during the day. (Frequently until you find how your body is metabolizing the carbs. DO NOT measure within 2 hours of eating as your body will not have been able to burn off the carbs you just consumed.

Thanks for the suggestion, but there is no way on earth I can prick my finger all the time... I almost panicked and hyperventilated the two times they did it yesterday... I think I'll just watch how I feel, since it was clear to me when I felt lightheaded and weird... Just not ready for any needles and hope I never have to be. I was so freaked yesterday, and the doctor told me it did not mean I was getting diabetes, but I was sooooo scared I almost hyperventilated.

I'm thinking of getting some sort of book about diet to help me get this all figured out.

Nightowl >8#

"I learned to be the door, instead of the mat!" "illegitimi nil carborundum"

Comment by Nightowl
New Replied yesterday, by network ate it...
Thanks for the suggestion, but there is no way on earth I can prick my finger all the time... I almost panicked and hyperventilated the two times they did it yesterday... I think I'll just watch how I feel, since it was clear to me when I felt lightheaded and weird... Just not ready for any needles and hope I never have to be. I was so freaked yesterday, and the doctor told me it did not mean I was getting diabetes, but I was sooooo scared I almost hyperventilated.
What's better? Pricking your finger to monitor the blood sugar level or taking the associated risks of not knowing?

You get used to the finger pricking. Quick, not painless, but very tolerable. Mosquito bites are worse.

I've read all the posts and I concur with Scott. Watch what you eat and how much. Some examples for you: 1/3 cup of white rice == 15gr of carb. 1/2 cup of pasta == 15gr carb.

Some Links:
[link|http://my.webmd.com/content/article/56/65921?z=4203_00101_2600_in_22|Eating Well With Diabetes]
[link|http://diabetes.about.com/library/blcarbs/blcarbmenu.htm|Carbohydrates counts of common foods]

Should get you started.
New As I understand it...
It isn't so much the carbo count as the glycemic index that matters for hypoglycemia. Two foods can have the same carbo amounts, but the one that gets in the bloodstream faster will cause a higher spike (and corresponding low).

-scott anderson

"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
New Watch what you eat
your body is much like your car now, gets fewer miles to the gallon and needs higher quality fuel with some additives to it. Which loosely translated means you have to eat right and eat more often.

Talk to Greg B., he has diabeties and knows how to watch what he eats to maintain his blood sugar. Note to others, Greg B. is a local common friend to Nightowl and me.

Watch those snack crackers with peanut butter and cheese already added, they usualy are high in sodium and fat. Sodium can increase your blood pressure, trust me I have high blood pressure near stroke levels at times, you don't want that. Fat you want to avoid anyway as much as you can.

My advice is for you to consider buying one of those lunch boxes made out of canvas or whatever and use reuseable blue ice so you can keep food fresh in it. Store it in your car or keep it with you. Also get a fanny pack to keep food in. Greg uses a fanny pack and keeps beef jerky and other stuff in it.

Bagel and cream cheese would be fine for breakfast, but I suppose crackers can be subsituted. You'll have to experiment with food to see what works best for you. Just remember to eat something good for you. Soy nuts would be good, get them unsalted.

"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"

New When is just as important
If you push something hard enough, it will fall over. Fudd's First Law of Opposition

New Re: When is just as important
Oh I agree. I added some snack reminders in my Organizer software program to remind me to also snack as well as eat my regular meals.

When is actually more important, my doctor said, because I can prevent the sugar spike if I balance it better, and eat more often. :)

Nightowl >8#
"I learned to be the door, instead of the mat!" "illegitimi nil carborundum"

Comment by Nightowl
New Re: Watch what you eat
your body is much like your car now, gets fewer miles to the gallon and needs higher quality fuel with some additives to it. Which loosely translated means you have to eat right and eat more often.

I realize that part, and I realize that I have to know more about "what" I'm eating. As for the eating right part, well, I was starting to do that anyway, because the migraine headache issue required me to eat three times a day, so for the first time ever I was managing to always do that. Since I was already logging every food/drink/medication I was ingesting, there isn't much more to add to that log except when.

Watch those snack crackers with peanut butter and cheese already added, they usualy are high in sodium and fat. Sodium can increase your blood pressure, trust me I have high blood pressure near stroke levels at times, you don't want that. Fat you want to avoid anyway as much as you can.

I don't eat crackers like that much. Mostly I eat Ritz crackers or the luncheable kind with ham and cheese on the sides. We got some fish cracker sandwiches to try though, although they aren't my fave.

My advice is for you to consider buying one of those lunch boxes made out of canvas or whatever and use reuseable blue ice so you can keep food fresh in it. Store it in your car or keep it with you. Also get a fanny pack to keep food in. Greg uses a fanny pack and keeps beef jerky and other stuff in it.

I have such a lunchbox, but I really can't go quite that far, as to carry anything perishable. First of all, my car has no A/C and resusable Blue ice is only reusable if you keep making it cold. I'm out all day often and not always near somewhere to cool it. I bought less perishable snacks tonight at the store, mostly for taking to class or church, as most of the rest of the time I'm home or at mom's.

Bagel and cream cheese would be fine for breakfast, but I suppose crackers can be subsituted. You'll have to experiment with food to see what works best for you. Just remember to eat something good for you. Soy nuts would be good, get them unsalted.

I also bought several other ideas to try for breakfast, Bagel sandwiches, Eggs, French Toast, etc. Breakfast seems to be the big culprit, nothing else, really. All my episodes were after breakfast and in early afternoon.

I did better today, because I was being conscious about it and I had no spells.

I have to admit, this is the first time information has scared me, but instead of comforting me this time, it's really done nothing but scared me. I wasn't diagnosed WITH Hypoglycemia, just told I was having hypoglycemia spells. So she didn't get all over me to completely change my diet, eliminate caffiene and all that, just watch it more carefully, which I plan to do.

At any rate, this is the first time it ever happened to this extent, (i.e. this past weekend/Monday), so maybe I can get control of it now. :) And she said that the headaches (Migraines) could be contributing to the problem, and vice versa, the low blood sugar could have been contributing to the headaches, so that's nice to know. Maybe changing my diet slightly will also help the headaches. :)

Thanks for all your input though, even if some of it scares me. :)

Nightowl >8#

"I learned to be the door, instead of the mat!" "illegitimi nil carborundum"

Comment by Nightowl
New Breakfast food...
Bagels, french toast, pancakes... all made with white flour more than likely, which is pretty much a carbo bomb.

Eat whole wheat stuff. Don't eat white flour. It's as bad or worse than sugar.

-scott anderson

"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
New Re: Breakfast food...
Bagels, french toast, pancakes... all made with white flour more than likely, which is pretty much a carbo bomb.

Eat whole wheat stuff. Don't eat white flour. It's as bad or worse than sugar.

Well she didn't say I couldn't eat those things, she (the dr) just said to balance it with other things like proteins. So for example, the bagel sandwich I bought has ham, cheese and egg on it also, and the toast and pancakes have sausages there too. I'm trying to balance the proteins and carbs out which is what she said I should do some. Eggs are protein right? And Cheese and Ham? and sausages?

I don't even know what whole wheat stuff is, and I never liked wheat bread. :(

I used to eat cereal all the time but I got a lactose intolerance built up and can't handle milk much anymore. But I eat dry cereal often. :)

Thanks for the input. :)

Nightowl >8#

Edit: Added Cheese to the bagel sandwich list, just discovered that.
"I learned to be the door, instead of the mat!" "illegitimi nil carborundum"

Comment by Nightowl
Expand Edited by Nightowl Sept. 17, 2003, 11:09:16 AM EDT
New In general, whether the doctor says or not
White flour is a Bad Thing. Especially since you have issues with your blood sugar levels. Processed grain like bleached flour, white rice, and white pasta all cause a huge spike in your blood sugar levels, which is what causes your insulin to overreact.

As an example, eating a potato causes a bigger, quicker rise in blood sugar levels than eating the equivalent amount of table sugar.

Whole grains take longer to digest (and have more nutrition value, for that matter) and don't cause the spikes in blood sugar. The digestion process spreads the blood sugar out over time, which is what you need.

Which do you like less: whole wheat bread, or headaches, fatigue, and the other symptoms you get from hypoglycemia?

-scott anderson

"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
New Re: In general, whether the doctor says or not
White flour is a Bad Thing. Especially since you have issues with your blood sugar levels. Processed grain like bleached flour, white rice, and white pasta all cause a huge spike in your blood sugar levels, which is what causes your insulin to overreact.

As an example, eating a potato causes a bigger, quicker rise in blood sugar levels than eating the equivalent amount of table sugar.

Good thing I hate potatoes then. :)

Whole grains take longer to digest (and have more nutrition value, for that matter) and don't cause the spikes in blood sugar. The digestion process spreads the blood sugar out over time, which is what you need.

Which do you like less: whole wheat bread, or headaches, fatigue, and the other symptoms you get from hypoglycemia?

I don't know, Scott. At this point I'm mostly scared. She said to try balancing it out and see how things worked, this has not been happening before, only happened this weekend, and she thinks it's because I didn't eat so long between the meal and the next one and didn't balance out the proteins and carbs.

Rice is my favorite food, I eat it as minute rice and as rice you buy in the restaurants, and I've been eating it for years, it never messed with me before. I'm not even sure what a whole grain is. I eat lots of corn chex and peanuts and other things on the list that are good foods, so I guess unless this becomes a real issue that has to be treated a lot more seriously, I'll try what she said.

I balanced things out yesterday and had no symptoms, isn't that a good sign?

Nightowl >8#

Edit: When it comes to bread, I rarely ever eat any. I keep a white loaf in the freezer and rarely eat any. I have to keep it in the freezer because I eat so little bread that my loaf goes bad if I don't. Wonder if wheat chex would be a good idea to try?
"I learned to be the door, instead of the mat!" "illegitimi nil carborundum"

Comment by Nightowl
Expand Edited by Nightowl Sept. 17, 2003, 11:25:33 AM EDT
New Again, in general...
Whether you have hypoglycemia or not.

Whether you have diabetes or not.

White flour is ground exceedingly fine. This means it gets converted to sugar very quickly. White rice is very starchy (as are potatoes) - same thing. Both will cause blood sugar spikes which over the long term lead to type II diabetes.

Whole grains haven't been processed like white flour, and don't get digested as quickly. They also contain fiber, unlike white flour. Whole wheat bread and "wild" rice are examples of whole grain foods.

Balancing things out may help in the short run, yes. Eating better food will help in the long run, though.

I'm not telling you to do anything. I'm just giving you information that you (apparently) don't know that should enable you to make better dietary decisions as a whole, not just in reaction to a health crisis. The point is to *avoid* the crisis in the first place.

-scott anderson

"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
New Re: Again, in general...
White flour is ground exceedingly fine. This means it gets converted to sugar very quickly. White rice is very starchy (as are potatoes) - same thing. Both will cause blood sugar spikes which over the long term lead to type II diabetes.

Whole grains haven't been processed like white flour, and don't get digested as quickly. They also contain fiber, unlike white flour. Whole wheat bread and "wild" rice are examples of whole grain foods.

Balancing things out may help in the short run, yes. Eating better food will help in the long run, though.

I'm not telling you to do anything. I'm just giving you information that you (apparently) don't know that should enable you to make better dietary decisions as a whole, not just in reaction to a health crisis. The point is to *avoid* the crisis in the first place.

I know that, and I'm sorry I'm so scared about it all right now. But you can't just eat whole grains for breakfast either, she said for me to eat protein.

Mostly I think I'm confused... scared AND confused. (sigh). I almost had a panic attack over this whole mess last night, and I don't want one today either. I think it's all very new to me and very scary right now.

Nightowl >8#

"I learned to be the door, instead of the mat!" "illegitimi nil carborundum"

Comment by Nightowl
New Re: Again, in general...
Protein lowers the glycemic index of foods. So does fat and fiber. My point was that if you eat lower glycemic index foods to begin with, you don't have to mix things just to keep the blood sugar from spiking.

Incidentally, corn chex has an index of 83 -- it's one of the worst foods out there. White rice is 90 -- even worse. To contrast that, mixed grain bread is 48.

-scott anderson

"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
New Re: Breakfast food...
Eggs (many), patty sausage (hot), hashbrowns, grits, toast, cowboy coffee, nitroglycerine.
New Yay! And british-stylee...
Eggs, bacon, sausage, fried bread (unbelievably delicious), black pudding, mushrooms, tomatoes, pint mug of strong tea.

[link|http://www.debian.org|Shill For Hire]
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
New Spam, eggs, bacon, spam, and spam.

-scott anderson

"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
New My breakfast of champions
1 large mango
1 bowl of whole-grain cereal
1 vegetarian sausage patty

Oddly enough, I like it more than the ol' greasy spoon food I used to eat for breakfast - although I do occasionally get a hankering for hash browns. Must be the Irish in me screaming to get out.
In that final hour, when each breath is a struggle to take, and you are looking back over your life's accomplishments, which memories would you treasure? The empires you built, or the joy you spread to others?

Therin lies the true measure of a man.
New what? no Kippers in there?
"You're just like me streak. You never left the free-fire zone.You think aspirins and meetings and cold showers are going to clean out your head. What you want is God's permission to paint the trees with the bad guys. That wont happen big mon." Clete
questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]
New tasty fish
Darrell Spice, Jr.                      [link|http://www.spiceware.org/cgi-bin/spa.pl?album=./Artistic%20Overpass|Artistic Overpass]\n[link|http://www.spiceware.org/|SpiceWare] - We don't do Windows, it's too much of a chore
New Re: tasty fish
Fish for breakfast???? Hehehe

I had fish for lunch yesterday, Shrimps actually. :)

I'm doing a lot better by the way, eating better breakfasts and snacking in between the meals, and haven't had another symptom since Monday's. :)

Thanks for any and all help in here.

Nightowl >8#
"I learned to be the door, instead of the mat!" "illegitimi nil carborundum"

Comment by Nightowl
New Ooo, fish for breakfast...
When I stayed in Japan, a family I stayed with had a little drawer-oven-grill thing - it was about 1/4 the size of a silverware drawer, and on some mornings, they would grill a small piece of salmon in it for everybody.

Salmon, rice, and seaweed for breakfast. Mmm...
In that final hour, when each breath is a struggle to take, and you are looking back over your life's accomplishments, which memories would you treasure? The empires you built, or the joy you spread to others?

Therin lies the true measure of a man.
New herring eggs, poke salmon(smoked cured in seal oil)
pilot bread, black tea. Best breakfast,
"You're just like me streak. You never left the free-fire zone.You think aspirins and meetings and cold showers are going to clean out your head. What you want is God's permission to paint the trees with the bad guys. That wont happen big mon." Clete
questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]
New I often have cereal for dinner :-)
Darrell Spice, Jr.                      [link|http://www.spiceware.org/cgi-bin/spa.pl?album=./Artistic%20Overpass|Artistic Overpass]\n[link|http://www.spiceware.org/|SpiceWare] - We don't do Windows, it's too much of a chore
New Re: I often have cereal for dinner :-)
Me too, but it's dry cereal! :)

Nightowl >8#
"I learned to be the door, instead of the mat!" "illegitimi nil carborundum"

Comment by Nightowl
New Cereal with Orange Juice
Why is everybody disgusted?

One Buffalo Bill
And one Biffalo Buff
New Not I.
Childhood breakfast:

Orange juice, cheerios, and bananas.
In that final hour, when each breath is a struggle to take, and you are looking back over your life's accomplishments, which memories would you treasure? The empires you built, or the joy you spread to others?

Therin lies the true measure of a man.
New I've been tempted, but not yet.
My sister said she's had cereal for dinner a few times because that's what she wanted at the time.

OTOH, I have often had English Breakfast Muffins in an evening meal.


Is it enough to love
Is it enough to breathe
Somebody rip my heart out
And leave me here to bleed
Is it enough to die
Somebody save my life
I'd rather be Anything but Ordinary

-- "Anything but Ordinary" by Avril Lavigne.

New See you and raise you

I've been known to have cereal for dinner at sunrise.

Karsten M. Self [link|mailto:kmself@ix.netcom.com|kmself@ix.netcom.com]\r\n
What part of "gestalt" don't you understand?\r\n
[link|http://twiki.iwethey.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/|TWikIWETHEY] -- an experiment in collective intelligence. Stupidity. Whatever.\r\n
   Keep software free.     Oppose the CBDTPA.     Kill S.2048 dead.\r\n[link|http://www.eff.org/alerts/20020322_eff_cbdtpa_alert.html|http://www.eff.org/alerts/20020322_eff_cbdtpa_alert.html]\r\n
New We won't talk about
some of the things I've eaten when I've stayed up all night and seen the sun rise in the morning.

Might be more apropos to say "munched on" rather than "eaten", in a manner of speaking.
--\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\n* Jack Troughton                            jake at consultron.ca *\n* [link|http://consultron.ca|http://consultron.ca]                   [link|irc://irc.ecomstation.ca|irc://irc.ecomstation.ca] *\n* Kingston Ontario Canada               [link|news://news.consultron.ca|news://news.consultron.ca] *\n-------------------------------------------------------------------
New Morel mushrooms on toast__Mmmm__Breakfast of Champignons
     Re: Google is your friend. - (Nightowl) - (35)
         What you can do - (orion) - (34)
             Re: What you can do - (Nightowl) - (33)
                 What to watch - (jbrabeck) - (3)
                     Re: What to watch - (Nightowl) - (2)
                         Replied yesterday, by network ate it... - (jbrabeck) - (1)
                             As I understand it... - (admin)
                 Watch what you eat - (orion) - (28)
                     When is just as important -NT - (bepatient) - (1)
                         Re: When is just as important - (Nightowl)
                     Re: Watch what you eat - (Nightowl) - (25)
                         Breakfast food... - (admin) - (24)
                             Re: Breakfast food... - (Nightowl) - (5)
                                 In general, whether the doctor says or not - (admin) - (4)
                                     Re: In general, whether the doctor says or not - (Nightowl) - (3)
                                         Again, in general... - (admin) - (2)
                                             Re: Again, in general... - (Nightowl) - (1)
                                                 Re: Again, in general... - (admin)
                             Re: Breakfast food... - (deSitter) - (17)
                                 Yay! And british-stylee... - (pwhysall) - (14)
                                     Spam, eggs, bacon, spam, and spam. -NT - (admin) - (1)
                                         My breakfast of champions - (inthane-chan)
                                     what? no Kippers in there? -NT - (boxley) - (11)
                                         tasty fish -NT - (SpiceWare) - (10)
                                             Re: tasty fish - (Nightowl) - (9)
                                                 Ooo, fish for breakfast... - (inthane-chan) - (1)
                                                     herring eggs, poke salmon(smoked cured in seal oil) - (boxley)
                                                 I often have cereal for dinner :-) -NT - (SpiceWare) - (6)
                                                     Re: I often have cereal for dinner :-) - (Nightowl)
                                                     Cereal with Orange Juice - (Arkadiy) - (1)
                                                         Not I. - (inthane-chan)
                                                     I've been tempted, but not yet. - (static)
                                                     See you and raise you - (kmself) - (1)
                                                         We won't talk about - (jake123)
                                 Morel mushrooms on toast__Mmmm__Breakfast of Champignons -NT - (Ashton) - (1)
                                     ROFL -NT - (deSitter)

At least.. the Lx stuff written *here* is nicely done in English.
109 ms