[link|http://www.women4clark.com/transcripts/ndnspeech.htm|Clark says]:
We need to work the Middle East. The senseless fighting between Israel and the Palestinians has gone on too long. We need to stay engaged in that but we need to bring on some other actors as well. We should get the Saudis deeply committed to stopping this fight. We should bring the Jordanians and the Egyptians fully in. We had a contact group arrangement in Europe where we brought people together. We need to do that here. We need to think about how the Syrians and the Iranians can be engaged in this also.
So you see Ross, the problem is that Clark wants to have peace in the neighborhood that would preclude the Greater Land of Israel with no Arabs in sight. Talk about impossible Israeli dreams. The current Israeli government does not want peace and never did. Why do you suppose after Hamas and Islamic Jihad agreed with Abbas to have a cease-fire, Sharon started assassinating their leaders? It doesn't take much to re-kindle the flames.

It's clear as day to me!