is the std. knee-jerk, "best take some meds, there.." {cackle. cackle.} and get back to "normal". Nervous titters.

Only a few within the religio-game ever dare to look on this scale of long-term cause/effect - like one Fr. Miller MB Sale, of my acquaintance. No longer amongst us. He was banished to an obscure little church in SF - for pointing out (in and around Sacramento CA) the hypocrisy re the Giant California Water Scam(s) of the '30s on. Of 'Church' relevance? Only for the massive dissembling pointed out -- and the equally massively compounded effects upon all citizens (including The Flock). Made waves. Baaad Fr. Sale.

So, yer a Loony, Ross. Welcome to our small {but growing ??} little club of iconoclasts of all stripes, nationalities, geographic locale. It's always a small percentage who ultimately sway the bone-lazy mass, so Who Knows? Maybe in the Largest scheme - Megadeth (is that a group?) groks to fullness what Siva was chuckling about: Illusion - we Love it. We Live it! :-\ufffd

Fundamentalism - the pukka Enemy of all Authentic Life - via the individual Ego-conceit of those who elevate a comfy personalized-'God'-thingy over even.. [What?]

Over ..that minimal level of earnest cooperation essential to halting the Death March of this deranged species? --> towards nuclear mass suicide of most moving things (the insects are highly radiation resistant - they will prevail).

Jews/Arabs. Xians? (there are so many flavours, none of these have the slightest Idea what any of the others will Kill For - so stick with the local tribe! It's safest.) Muslims? inflected and infected with the Violence; disappointed to have so fewer new toys .. It's all so like 24/7 Murican 'entertainment' - inherent within the visceral Western-style Onward Xian Soldiers mantra playlist. Now indistinguishable: All joined into that Death March. It's a Parade! with jugglers and clowns to keep it orderly. And Fun. Above all it Must be entertaining!

..but you can separate from the emotional impact of living amid lemmings of the really unLovely Stupid sub-species. A few decent ales, some Bach and - Beauty returns! (It never left, actually.. y'know?) It isn't supposed to Make Sense, idiot.

Nullo .. .. you know,

I Who Be