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New Re: Howard Dean anyone?
From what I have read, Dean isn't a supporter of a flat tax. But has said that he supports simplifiying the tax system. His major tax issue is repealing most of Bush's tax cuts, and he generally pushes any tax related question in that direction.

As for Bush being a write off, don't be so sure. Rove is the master of dirty tricks, and is sure to be preparing a wide array of underhanded, questionable and outright illegal manuvers to use against who ever Bush has to face. Worse, if the press returns to the sort of behavior that marked the Bush/Gore campaign things could become nigh hopeless quickly.

New Stupidity and immorality are twins
     Howard Dean anyone? - (deSitter) - (23)
         Re: Howard Dean anyone? - (JayMehaffey) - (1)
             Stupidity and immorality are twins -NT - (deSitter)
         So far, he's got my vote - (Silverlock) - (20)
             Wesley Clark? Yes, outstanding - (deSitter) - (19)
                 This is the guy who claimed ... - (bluke) - (18)
                     Go march around a Borg cube, Jew boy -NT - (deSitter) - (16)
                         Yo ho ho. Wasn't that a great reply! - (Another Scott) - (1)
                             No he does not. know better. -NT - (Arkadiy)
                         go march around a jew boy, borg cube -NT - (boxley) - (8)
                             Organized religion = the dismal science of death - (deSitter) - (7)
                                 And what does this have to do with Clark's fitness ... - (bluke) - (2)
                                     Re: And what does this have to do with Clark's fitness ... - (deSitter) - (1)
                                         Actually I was born in the US ... - (bluke)
                                 The easiest dismissal of this rant - (Ashton)
                                 heh, you took my remarks at face value - (boxley) - (2)
                                     How could I not? - (deSitter) - (1)
                                         dont blame the jews for Israel - (boxley)
                         Transcript of Clark's interview on Meet the Press ... - (bluke)
                         Ross, that's offensive! - (a6l6e6x) - (3)
                             Follow up. - (a6l6e6x)
                             Here's a sample of Jews in Israel. - (a6l6e6x)
                             Re: Ross, that's offensive! - (deSitter)
                     30 Seconds of Googling... - (Simon_Jester)

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39 ms