The lengthiest foreplay since skimming through dirty books like the OT for delicious specimens to attempt to emulate. (The pubic hair is always sleeker where there are Minarets and good opium about..)

Don't forget the Other Munro, "HH" aka Saki and.. good ol W.S.Maugham! - The Verger particularly apt re a certain [courtesy of our own Gryg]

Microsoft is a true reflection of Bill Gates' personality - the sleaziest, most unethical, ugliest little rat's ass the world has seen unto this time. -- Andrew Grygus

[or my fav piece of cack]
"My favorite is 'writing hard core C to create slick tight code'."
-- Bill Gates

Imagine... IF Billy's Mommy hadn't staked the nascent weasel to a free Intro to the hoary Suits at IBM (and prolly crawled Herself! the mean streets, for her antsy spawn.. in search of that freebie exact-ripoff of Digital Research CP/M - whence the verbatim kluge which was re-dubbed MSDOS 1.0.permanent.Alpha.. and begat the longest uninterrupted theft of Real intellectuals' property in Bizdroid History -

ie the perfect [What-If We Had All Been Spared] concluding sentences of The Verger:

My goodness, all this business achievement and.. you never learned to read ?!
Who knows what! you might be today, had you done so..

Reply: "That's easy - the Verger of St. Peters, Neville".

As to your unfortunate lapse in the continuing saga of Kurt: HTF can ya find out What Murica Be Just Now [cha cha & cha] - *without* his regular up-dates? Huh?
Get thee to a coffee/book store O mapless one!

I can't fill-in so many as your list.. still pondering whether the Question is self-cancelling; if a pron star prances in the forest and there is no one to leer? is it pron? If there are no readers in 100 Years post-Prescott-Bushie Empire -?- well ...
