in US High Schools generally; I suspect it remains on the agenda at actual Universities -- but 'junior' colleges? Dunno.

I was never on our HS debate team, alas - I might have saved self a number of embarrassing er Realizations.. along the course from Pig-Certainty to awareness of what Certainty means about its sustainer. But however it happens: humiliation is always Good for the Soul.

Pity that our Biznessman Corporate elite shunned all those humanities courses which might.. have taught them something ~ about Humanity? Our major deficiency in this millennium is - the dearth of Statesmen or even reasonable facsimile; bizness is such a tawdry substitute for human aspirations worth Having. It may Kill the entire planet, if our Pig-stubbornness and hubris becomes institutionalized in many more powerful locales.

Vanity.. vanity..
All is Vanity