but Microsoft calls it JScript and it emulates Javascript, it isn't even real Javascript, it just pretends to be.

I've had lockups and many bug reports back to Microsoft by just loading the darn browser or visiting the iwethey.org sites caused it to crash. So instead I use Mozilla, which doesn't lock up my system, and doesn't bug out on me with the iwethey.org websites, etc. Nothing in the iwethey.org websites that really knocks out IE, just bad luck on my part in having an unstable IE browser at times.

The only things that IE can do that Mozilla cannot:

#1 Log into an NT/W2K Server domain.

#2 Run VBScript

#3 Access ActiveX controls

#4 Active Desktop

But who really needs #4? Also usually unless you have a Corporate Intranet that needs them, who really needs #1, #2, and #3?