>>...possession of expertise in translating intentionally vague military-speak
You weeeely weeelly need to believe this...so it must be true. Right?
Well, actually...the document is highly specific in the areas of what is being proposed. I think Mr Apriori is paying us all a visit again.

The following is a summary of all the suggestions that I can tease out.
Feel free to disagree and make additions (once you have read it of course).

Is everyone sitting comfortably? So the list begins......

1 Harassment plus deceptive actions to convince the Cubans of imminent invasion.....
Would harassment be likely to kill any American citizens? Errrrrm no. 1 point to the "nays"

2 Start rumors
Would rumors be likely to kill any American citizens? Errrrrm no. 2 points to the "nays"

3 Land friendly cubans in uniform over the fence
Would landing friendly cubans be likely to kill any American citizens? Errrrrm no. 3.

4 Capture cuban (friendly) saboteurs inside the base
Would capturing friendly saboteurs be likely to kill any American citizens? Errrrrm no. 4

5 Start riots near the base main gate (friendly cubans)
Would riots by friendly cubans be likely to kill any American citizens? Errrrrm no. 5

6 Blow up ammunition inside the base;start fires
Would blowing up ammunition be likely to kill any American citizens? If controlled.... unlikely.
Is the intent to kill U.S. citizens? Errrrrm no. 6

7 Burn aircraft on air base
Is the intent to kill U.S. citizens? Errrrrm no. 7

8 Lob mortar shells from outside of base into base
Is the intent to kill U.S. citizens? Well...its expressly stated that
"some damage to installations" is envisaged. So no. 8

9 Capture assault teams approaching from the sea or vicinity of Guantanamo City. Would capturing assault teams be likely to kill any American citizens? Errrrrm no. 9.

10 Capture militia group which storms the base
Would capturing a militia group be likely to kill any American citizens? Errrrrm no. 10.

11 Sink ship near harbor entrance. Conduct funerals for mock-victims (may be in lieu of....

12 Sabotage ship in harbor; large fires -- napthalene
Would sabotaging a ship be likely to kill any American citizens? Possibly.
Is the intent to kill American citizens? If so.....why even bother to consider

So no 11. No 12.

13 We could blow up a drone (unmanned)....
No 13.

14 We could develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington.
The terror campaign could be pointed at Cuban refugees seeking haven in the United States.
We could foster attempts on lives of Cuban refugees in the United States even to the extent of wounding
in instances to be widely published. Exploding a few plastic bombs in carefully chosen spots....
Well....its targeted at cuban refugees. So no 14.
(note that wounding in instances is being envisaged. Woweeeee)
Note: Spare me the qualitative comparison of U.S. vs. non U.S. lives.
No 14.

15 Cuban-based Castro supported movement simulated against a neighboring Caribbean nation.
Magnify Castro's existing efforts supporting subversive efforts elsewhere.
No 15

16 Harrassment of civil aviation, attacks on surface shipping and destruction of drones.
No 16

17 Portray hijacking attempts of aircraft and surface craft as having support of cuban government.
No 17

18 Substitue a civil charter airplane with a drone. Blow up the drone over cuba.
No 18

19 Simulate the shooting down of a USAF aircraft
No 19

Now..... I have intentionally left one piece until last.

20 We could blow up a US ship in Guantanamo bay and blame cuba

I think it is possible to envisage that blowing up a ship in Guantanamo bay could kill Americans.
Its also possible to to envisage a scenario in which it could be avoided.
Which one might it be? I would submit that when taken in the context of all the other suggestions which
are not intended to kill American citizens, and most of them downright impossible......its kinda hard
to believe that they left this one in just for grins.
So, no.........20.

Now......on all of the above people you may smithy away for as long as you please.
But I don't care how many times you fold the metal it ain't gonna
provide the sword you need.

Killin' Americans I say I say killin' Americans just aint in the plan.
And those that can see it.......they be the paranoid ones.


Pointing out that arrogance is a very poor substitue for bothering
to read the material before wading in

P.S. I freakin' love alliteration. How dare you denegrate the delicious.
And >I< have once used a thesaurus...but I did not insufflate.
Only an omadawn would claim to have no use for one.