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New New holiday proposal:
Whack-a-capitalist-pig day!

On this day, each CEO who's pay (including any incidental benefits, loans, etc) increased in the previous year while the stock value of their company decreased at any time during the previous five years, would be lined up for each unemployed person to have a go at their kneecaps with a baseball bat.

Disabled individuals who are incapable of swinging a baseball bat would get to press a button completing the circuit between a car battery and the CEO's nutsack.
DM: "OKay, you round the corner, and entering the alleyway, you see two men standing on eachother's shoulders."

*silence at the table*

Player: "F#$% it, we're fighting Cirque de Soleil! Run for your life!"
New My vision

A whole new line of Hallmark CEO/Nutsack-themed greeting cards.

"Happy Whack-a-Capitalist-Pig day!", we'll all say.

I'm *stunned* by the level of chutzpah being demonstrated by our Buddies in Bizness(tm)

Just makes those nutsacks a nice, big target, I suppose.

(Am I suddenly channelling Ashton?)

Tom Sinclair

"Everybody is someone else's weirdo."
- E. Dijkstra
New My vision __(or is it a sight?)
We have an entire subculture of er 'mental health professionals'. Most often their sorry task is rescuing the dregs (in all social castes) - suffering most often from the expected fatigue of the guaranteed impoverished 20-25% of the mass:

Vanishing-little 'affordable' housing anywhere near the cities.
""Managed""-'care' bizness scams to skim the most possible from er 'health-for profit' and now Prisons-for-profit too!
Most new prison attendees? == it's about the Drug and Other-Warz on the impotent / unrepresented.
Fill in the other hundred or so scariest qualities of our 'culture'.

So.. let's aim these good therapists where they are most needed: At The Top. Let them develop therapies against The Unslakeable Thirst for More Gold -- zooming-in on the near-Terminal: those who have already amassed huge steaming Piles of the stuff; yet 'Need' to Get More [!!]

What else is this but, YAN mental condition screaming for altruistic assistance? (Such a sufferer would never Pay to get Well-er, natch - not co$t effective and all - so let's give the service for free)

Rest case. Capitalism galvanizes/'justifies'/approves! the Worst in the extensive bag of Bad-Shit in homo-sap, we see. Next program: can we find something sane to replace this religion with?

[before the only solution for a dying planet is: Rapturin out!]
Hell, I'd rather stay for the denouement than.. associate with Those sanctimonious twits! Imagine.. spending just a few hours! even amidst such smarmy nutcases, as they stand around, swillin their mead - enjoyin! the Other billions: a burnin and a festerin in them Lakes of [Oil! again!] {Sheesh!} tales of which - they be so fond of scarin the litle cheeldrun with. Now.. THAT's rilly SICKO, if anything is.

Pace pace O mio Dio(nysius), actually.. Narcissus most often

New Was Jesus a communist?
When he said to the rich young ruler.

"If you really want to live righteously, then go and sell all you have and give it to the poor, and come and follow me."

Greed is a sin.

It's not a sin to make money, but it is a sin or hoarde it, and deny other people a decent living.

I thing the answer is in a balance in which all people work hard, but everyone is honest, and charitable, and noone seeks unfair gain over another.

Too bad those messages get lost in our modern capitalistic society.

Capitalism is OK, until it becomes your God.

New If jesus doesnt show up in a 3 peice suit, blow dried hair
and offering to teach you how to buy realestate for no money down. He will be arrested for sedition and deported to Palestine(place of birth bethlehem)
there he will be cruicified by the Hamas for calling Mohamed a terrorist and three days later Sharon will rescue the body, bury it in the Negev and claim he was resurrected and told bibi to take judea, force transfer and wait for his return.
will work for cash and other incentives [link|http://home.tampabay.rr.com/boxley/resume/Resume.html|skill set]
"Fifty-one percent of a nation can establish a totalitarian regime, suppress minorities and still remain democratic." Correction: All that can be achieved with 51 percent of the voters!" Ilanna Mercer
New Avatars aren't into homo-sap politics and rationalizations.
(or they wouldn't Be an Avatar! just a pol with good teeth)

Only later-on do we embroider and retranslate and er 'interpret': because we Are homo-saps! And so are all our books: Our creation.

Only a fool would dismiss the universal (and ancient) wisdom within many of Jesus' attributed- sayings - or miss the wry humor and crystal-clear self-mirror within most parables. Stories.. are always more effective than Rulez. This was no dummy.

But as Box opines below: there are very few around today who are religious; That requires difficult personal effort and self-eduction. Our culture much prefers the EZ and the on-the-sleeve religiosity.. for Public [Tee Vee] consumption. I mean, ya just Know what it means when *any* pol mentions 'God' in any context whatsoever: a slime speaketh.

Agree with Box on the reception of any Avatar here in Tinseltown -- different in parts of India though; even today. Maybe especially today.

New Religion is rationalization for people who can't rationalize
When you can't even come up with a LOGICAL reason for why you're doing it...

God SAID to do it.
New We aren't rational animals though.
Emotion rules intellect - but instinct is even faster than emotion; intellect is the slowest 'brain'. Thus we 'rationalize' our precipitate actions - after the fact of.. acts even a fraction of a second before. All the time.

Isn't that why we ascribe wisdom to those few who - do not give into the anger of a moment, who deliberate, only give answers after thorough contemplation: usually seek non-violent solutions VS the easy, quick, instinctive no-brainer [Literally] ?

Whatever might be said about 'religion' - I believe that we rarely see that in this culture. We see overt religiosity for public consumption and via second-hand Authority. And.. conformity. Above all - comformity to the popular homogenized take du jour.

I think you are describing mob-religion, then. It's the best most can manage. It isn't good enough, but - the species is still in adolescence. Sometimes it's hard to cut That much slack - like nowadays. The mob is ever the Beast. But there still are the Exceptional around, or we'd have killed-off each other even sooner.

New Either or.
Could be mob, could be individual.

Yep, the LOGICAL part of our brain kicks in AFTER we've already decided what to do.

So, we need SOMETHING to justify the decision that we've already arrived at.

And, at times, there just isn't anything.

So we have God.

And, strangely enough, God has EXACTLY the same views on politics, personal possessions and so forth that YOU do.
New Ssshh___(funny.. how She Is - so accommodatin that way)
     Our tax dollars at work? - (tjsinclair) - (26)
         Re: Our tax dollars at work? - (Yendor) - (8)
             I guess we have to shut down the libraries as well - (tjsinclair) - (7)
                 Precisely - (tuberculosis) - (6)
                     Predicted By Marx - (deSitter) - (5)
                         Marx's prescription sucked... - (jake123) - (4)
                             Even the mad have moments of lucidity... - (inthane-chan) - (3)
                                 Henry Ford - (jake123) - (2)
                                     Knew he'd done something right... -NT - (inthane-chan) - (1)
                                         Did a couple of things right - (wharris2)
         New holiday proposal: - (inthane-chan) - (9)
             My vision - (tjsinclair) - (8)
                 My vision __(or is it a sight?) - (Ashton) - (7)
                     Was Jesus a communist? - (gdaustin) - (6)
                         If jesus doesnt show up in a 3 peice suit, blow dried hair - (boxley)
                         Avatars aren't into homo-sap politics and rationalizations. - (Ashton) - (4)
                             Religion is rationalization for people who can't rationalize - (Brandioch) - (3)
                                 We aren't rational animals though. - (Ashton) - (2)
                                     Either or. - (Brandioch) - (1)
                                         Ssshh___(funny.. how She Is - so accommodatin that way) -NT - (Ashton)
         Where'd you turn this up? Posted elsewhere? - (kmself) - (4)
             Got the link from Slashdot - (tjsinclair) - (3)
                 Request: credit your sources - (kmself) - (2)
                     My bad; consider me corrected -NT - (tjsinclair)
                     Side benefit - (ben_tilly)
         Good time to present this link again - (ben_tilly) - (1)
             Great Link - (deSitter)

Friends, the idle brain is the devil's playground!
60 ms