the, "cut off their air supply" M$ e-mail (re. the illegal, criminal leveraging of monopoly power against a competitor with a Superior product.. (which they admitted! they could only copy, feature by feature..))

Kennan's 1948! stark revelation demonstrates a full awareness at the highest scales of US Government: that we were [already] 'consuming' a vastly disproportionate share of the world's wealth, that we intended to continue or expand 'our share' ... and certainly suggested the lengths to which we Would Go - were Anyone to attempt to interfere with this (nothing less than) Imperialist direction.

No subsequent weasel-words can much rebut his baldfaced assertions: the record *since* is fully consistent with that having been our aim. Or rebut the proposition that: it still is. Perhaps.. more rapacious than ever, despite the spin/truth ratio of 100:1 (?)

Hoist from Our Own Horse's Mouth\ufffd.

(No wonder Billy Gates is still a Murican Hero; he exemplifies *US* !! and... not to worry pretty-little heads that his / our behaviour is counter to those lip-service Principles we say... "we want to spread around the planet because they are all undistilled Goodness - by inspection..")


The Answer is: No! indeed we have no 'shame', just lust for $/power like every previous Empire. Tawdry. Ultimately catastrophic, unless 'we' grow up reeel fast, via some next traumatic event.