The problem with groups like that, is you don't really know what's in the Kool Aid until it's too late.

This here newsgroup, this is the REAL America, with all us buffoons standing on our soapboxes shouting eachother down. This is what I believe the founding fathers had in mind :-) (twisted bastards!)

As I said in another post in this thread, I've unknowing gone onto boards like that which were "moderated"... I seriously have never seen anything like the rules on that board stated upfront... I have to give the board credit, they aren't coy or shy about who's welcome. In a way, I wish most "moderated" boards that operate in the same way would just copy his rules...

The good news is, once a board like that gets to selective, it slowly dies off.

Jim - See the news?
Bob - Saw it.
Jim - Think we out to bomb them?
Bob - Yep
Jim - Yep
Bob - Yep
Jim - Yep
Bob - Think I hear the kids... Elvis special on
Jim - Yep
Bob - Yep

It's always good to have someone to argue with if your going to have a discussion board.

Dan - Yep