
And a terrorist attack will help?

Maybe I'm a bit confused, but aren't we killing innocents in Afghanistan because of the attack on the WTC?

Negative ratings of moral values are particularly high among older Americans, but women, highly religious people, and self-described "conservatives" are also critical.
Translation: People with sticks up their asses feel that everyone else is immoral.

The fascinating thing is that so many people feel that everyone else has poor morals.

But the "nation" is defined as everyone else.

Despite these differences, there is general agreement among Americans of all ages that moral values in the country as a whole are getting worse rather than better. Six in 10 young adults feel this way (61%), compared with 67% of middle-aged Americans and 76% of those aged 65 and older.
So, if we look at only young adults, 6 in 10 feel that the other 4 are ruining it for the whole country.

Hmmm, that doesn't seem right to me.

Wouldn't the actual result be that the morals for 61% of the people in that group were IMPROVING?

Let's try this with something else. Savings.

Suppose 61% thought that people were saving less than they should.

So, these people would save as much as they should? Which would mean that, better than 1/2 of the people were saving as much as they should.

Which would mean that a minority percentage were just messing up their own lives.



Another meaningless word.

But everyone knows when someone else doesn't meet the moral standard.