in the interim: at lease a few pithy, hopefully *thought*-evocative catch-phrases appear to be necessary - merely to begin Anything, beyond the range of one-to-one actual conversation.

(After all, our internal "metaphor processing center" operates via association; it may be more 'holographic' than some simplistic look-up table, but - association is the rubric. I think - peering inwards..)

'Shorthand' evidently works -- it is when dialogue is replaced! by mere duelling-phrases -- that the Babel which IS our present defunct System, drives out all reasoning. And this, we have to recall - has been a pattern from the earliest days in Murica. Our newspapers have always been full of innuendo, slogans Tippecanoe and Tyler Too ... 2440 or Fight! ... Remember the Maine! and ever with lots of !!!

So 'we' Like shouting over talking, and simplistic over the difficult search for the possibly simple. That can't be bred-out immediately, merely for seeing its relationship to easing the usurpation of power by the primitive$ amongst us.

I dunno if Honest Slogans! is an oxymoron, but it Has to be better than States Rights! - let the *locals* fuck you over, not them Meanies from Outta State!!


Once a culture begins to allow unpunished Language Murder.. it may be curtains anyway. Disrespect for Language guarantees Babel. :(
(Sympathy for er France AND Quebec - I Know What They Mean! re mongrelization for Ad-bucks and Disneyization)


as to 'local' - currently, we be fighting off such as:
a foreign Corp-consortium hoping to plop a 100-room Hotel smack in the middle of bucolic countryside, with weekly 'Events' to fill up the 2-lane with bored Yuppies from SF (while depleting an iffy water-table, pushing septic conditions extant) yada yada.

Yes, it Does begin 'locally' - but 'it' best not end there.