pleased be not speakink louds on wonderful ways we havink with words in the new speak. Is beink not good for the babushkas to listened.

I am nyever firget first time am hearink Green Chri$tma$, by Komrade Stan Freeburg, dollink. Is bringink tears with eyes.

er that is, thou sayest - but try to 'teach that'; it's gonna be Guantanamo, steerage class. (is that like bat guano?) 'Course if the gamers got no more couth than the UAV types, and continue to buy that Box no matter what? Self-immolation. Fun to watch. Die Yuppie Scum (local bumper sticker)


Tried to find a CD today at Tower, of Nakariakov (Russ trumpeter phenom). None of course. Said - what's the discount, if you order it? She: "none". Said - I don't pay $16 to RIAA for anything. She: "what's RIAA?". Asked, what ya think they pay the artist? etc. etc. Couldn't believe = <$1 and thought it was kewl to just pay the $16 and buy her own CDs there. Too much trouble to notice. Anything at all.

Yup, she and the Box-gamers think alike. And the Suits love 'em all: Just That Way. Unconscious.