- I'm at the same job since July 2007. Effing amazing, a first. Used to he every 2-3 years was a change.
- First Grandson** from oldest kid.
- Restarted riding motorcycles after 21 year hiatus. Wife learned and bought one first and got me to restart.
- Finally got the youngest kid to undergo some (un-covered by medical insurance very costly) treatments, which changed her life dramatically. It is modern electro-therapy without shocking but with very heavy magnetic fields. This happened on her 18th birthday, 22 months ago.
- Second Grandson** from oldest kid.
- Acquired a Son-in-law that I'm be thrilled to death to have as a great friend, let alone a Son-in-law. I say acquired, since I had to pay for the Wedding (he married her... so he gets to live with her... YEA both ways!)
- Joined a CR Church. (CRCNA is HQ'd here in town.)
- Shipped youngest kid off to University at almost the most expensive one she could find and be in California. In her second year now. (Gads $42,000 tuition/year sucks and is oppressive and dern glad we are only 2 year co-signers... she will pay or we will pay it on time for 2 years and then we get released.)
- Paying for a "tune-up" treatment for youngest... so she stays in University and in California. (Again, uncovered by medical insurance)
- Debt to less than $18,000 and *STILL* cannot get ahead of day to day Medical coverage deductible or co-pays.
- Plus a myriad of other things I'm just not inclined to type here.

** Did I ever mention Grandkids are the BOMB? Yes, so much so that, if I had known how great they are, I'd have just skipped kids all together and went straight to Grandkids. Yes, I'm aware of the impossibility of it.