For a head of lettuce, yes.
For a man, just right.
(sorry, love that line, but had to reverse it to use it here).


* quit the corporate rat race, and seen my income drop about 70%. Worth every penny.
* continued on my Linux desktop evolution, but kept my fingers in Winders a bit. Phone went from corp blackberrry to apple iphone to motorola atrix. But really don't care that much about it either way.
* picked up a couple of hobbies that I don't feel like documenting here.
* Was an exercise and diet freak for a bit, but haven't seen the inside of the gym for years. Intead I run up and down 3 floors of steps dozens to hundreds of times a day and have to eat extra to maintain my weight.
* Met some kids I didn't have any contact with since they were very little. Became a Sunday daddy to them.
* Left the wife, started a new life
* Spent a year having WAY too much fun.
* Fell in love, got remarried. To the mother of the above mentioned kids.
* Had 4 kids hit "majority". 2 of which from 2 different moms live with me.
* Trained 1 kid into my profession (finally).
* Had same kid buy me a house. Whatta good kid.