Thanks for the Vonage scoop + the interesting replies, there.

Of course they didn't remote-kill the box.. Jeez.
Not even the "issue" of exactly how their special-model's warranty costs should be apportioned twixt them / mfg. of an early-failed product: the Issue is the truculent, nasty twitting -- "see, if you hadn't quit, we'd have helped you get it fixed - nya nyaaa ___." That says a Lot about a Company Culture, doncha think?

Now as to whether the number assignment is a Big deal - I have no data on the frequency of that request; nevertheless, isn't the point of all this transistrized-foofaraw: to SIMPLIFY? to obviate a need to change one's number every few months re everyone in the addy list.

Lastly as to the $$ - yeah well, pick your poison. We know what happens with monopolies in Regulate-Nothing-Ever Repo hands. May Vonage prosper long enough to eat up some of the balderdash which accompanies all comm Lying ads. Service + a low bill talks; the rest is TLA-BS.

(Though I wouldn't want my sole phone line to need a computer + sub-boxes 24/7, whatever the method. Yes, telcos use computers too.. but redundantly.)

Vonage could fire the juveniles on their public staff.. if they want to persist.