the proposition that ~
Organized Religion is/has been the catalyst for virtually every major war in history.

(Let us say that the Boolean is done meticulously, arrayed about the Root proposition, common to all Major\ufffd 'Religions': Our God is the ONLY Real-God - ergo if you aren't with US - you WILL go to {etc. etc.}

Let us suppose further, that there is so little %chance that these organizations DO NOT seduce their membership into such an inherently bellicose mindset towards Others - - - that causality is deemed to be established, (at least as inerrantly? as in the extrapolations from? '?measured?' effects of second-hand smoke inhalation, as of 2/'06.)

What're the odds on the first church-closing?
(Or especially, after the blood & guts are cleaned up: on the second??)

Poor George Boole - he actually *thought* that his cute, ever-so-mechanically productive little algebra: applied to human discourse, too! and would eliminate all that Reasoning stuff, argument and thrashing.. Why .. a machine could finally end the necessity for Compromise! - (why, it all reduces to a 1 or a 0, after all the factoring-out.) er, cha :-\ufffd cha