after the disaster struck - a showin them naked folks fleein their beds and the smarmy executive in his Mercedes, as the fragment turns it into gold-leaf film.

Besides, I think the troops have already grokked the asteroid problem as Simon sez: delta-V. with a looong lever arm = we gotta find this stuff reeel early. As to how you carry to the site -- sufficiently slow-burning propellant, so's not to fragment the beast [??]

Some would like to imagine a scenario of some sorta nuke-dud, such that it barely reaches crit-mass, and the blast is focussed so as to apply a net delta-V yada yada. Now *THAT's* where the stupid fucking ABM-$ OUGHT to be spent.. if we just Have to fund some [oil] more of Bushie's [oil] boys at Loral and such.

NASA-like, not DOD-like boffins are needed, and.. as we convert University research funding from basic research to mere pedestrian Corporate seeking of smaller vias for IC manufacturers:

The folks with this kinda smarts are running out of support. Will have to market for Billy n'BallyCo. before long (is that a scary enough scenario?)
