Such authority, without being overbearing! Such assertion, without being intimidating! Such [link||precision]!

Futura (if we‘re thinking of [link||the same thing] is a face that always brings to my mind a certain category of non-fiction printing from late-50s America. That‘s not a bad thing.

And as I‘ve mentioned here before, I regard [link||Gill Sans] as probably the finest sans font of all time.

I‘d say that you and I have typographical tastes that are broadly congruent.

And a small challenge for the crowd at large: please suggest a key caps utility, for GNOME, with similar functionality to the Key Caps utility in OS X. The GNOME Onscreen Keyboard is nearly there, but is very large and clunky when all you want to know is how to produce a prime mark. The GNOME Character Map utility is similarly unsuited for this task.