(Got no quarrel with Jesus's material - just.. some of his followers can prove to be rather wearing)

Seconded overall. So long as mindless acquisition of things, not merely to some sense of 'adequacy' but endlessly - causes the major institutions to treat employees as expendable 'production machinery' / overhead, we'll continue to decline.

People aren't stupid, though many are inarticulate and many haven't quite put finger on the [hole] in life we have created by our insatiable collecting. The 24/7 artificial activity certainly creates the noise which interferes with joining forces around this message and - beginning to dismantle the robot machine.

I hope we make it.. the $ now permeates every facet of life - expect a meter in pews next. We have to somehow develop enough discrimination to realize, pretty soon - that just because we Can make something, maybe we shouldn't. And.. some things simply should not have price tags.

(Maybe the Big-irony is - actual human experience is 'permanent' and also can't be er repossessed. It is intangible and utterly unmeasurable. All the 'measurable', countable stuff: is the illusion ;-)

Nobody said it was EZ..
