Nowadays I use a small fraction of any tools and, rarely; it just isn't worth it to imagine you're going to "find out all you need to know" to keep a Doze system walking. That is the full meaning of, dynamic irreproducibility (or, nondeterminate) as I have experienced it. (OK - for someone like Andrew and a few, revise that. But sans that lengthy experience, all kept in a mind.. never mind.)

Yeah.. once I thought a bunch of notes, logs, utils and stuff could help. And sometimes the utils do. Not Worth the Time in 20/20. KISS is all I'll trust re any Billyware whatsoever. I cannot Imagine trusting a Company to this crap - one need not be a coder to recognize built-in badness, though I suppose it helps to tabulate and correlate a few of the underlying reasons.

Or does it? knowing that Nothing will be done / Can be done to make this POS network at 5-Nines AND be legacy-compatible. Last I heard..

Other-tech Ex:

The famous Victoreen "Area Monitor" - a lab wall-mount geiger counter with settable alarm window and a gawdawful mini-klaxon - was a straightforward early-transistorized monitor, seen/heard! in many movies, etc.

Have one downstairs: an interstage xfmr had shorted turn-turn, and on the exact day after Chernobyl!
(Looking for fallout - had another counter, though)

No parts for eons, but it is a Classic Thing.
I had to unwind and measure length of the 32-AWG? fine-wire == far better than imagining a turns-count! I suppose that I might someday rewind the sucker; at least that is a Known route to restoration.

With Doze: there IS no 'known route', once past the trivial. That millions have accepted this - proves the onset of species-dumbth, all by itself.

and.. Lucky You!