It's about what I know the illness is capable of causing you to do.

I'm glad there isn't an alter-ego, and I hope you solve the ISP problem, but I had to consider it, since you had the same problem in 2002, and it had been.

And don't you see how it would have made me look, I come in here and ask for help so you can connect, and then if you had connected as someone else, and they proved it was you, I'd have looked like I was part of the scam, and I'm not.

I genuinely try to help you. Sometimes I don't make the best decisions, but Norman, there are times where you scare me a lot, and I don't always make the best decisions.

We'll discuss it more in IWT Yahoo, we don't need to bother this board with all this angst. Okay?

Nightowl >8#