Let's modify the scene just a little bit (changes bolded)...
"The scene"
Cameras focus on a little Cessna plane flying through big city canyons.
Commentator gasping each word as he describes the jerky path of the plane.

Plane eventually lines up on big city skyscraper & charges it full bore.

World watching prime time ...

Plane engine noise fills the airwaves courtesy of long range digital microphones ...

Folk in the targetted building look out to see the looming craft hurtling toward their monument to modern capitalism ...

Plane closees in ...

All look on anxiously ...

Some hide their eyes as the impending disaster looms ...

Closer, closer, closer ...

Just before impact, the pilot, accompanied by frantic cries of "Allah akubar" (or some such unintelligible tommyrot) detonates a "fertilizer bomb" in which s/he has imbedded 30 or so spent fuel rods purloined from a Russian nucular [sic] reactor, and spirited into the country in the false back of a freight container...


Yeah, it's far-fetched. Or maybe not, since the "administration" insists on fighting the last war and, for all its huffing and puffing about "security", doesn't seem too interested in trying to thwart this scenario.