a lot like yours! This, ever since its allen set-screw rusted itself into place - because Moen\ufffd was too cheap to pay an extra 3\ufffd for a stainless one:

It goes drip .. drip .. drip into an old cottage cheese tub .. as it waits for me to eventually saw the top off the sucker and find a Non-Moen\ufffd non-drippy replacement.

I gather that Dudgeonmeter Set=High is the default for smarmy hyper-Moen self-congratulatory Tastefulness, but it seems to have the same quality of sound as

My other Moen\ufffd.

Yours for a better digital-grade of aqueous humour,


[Just set browser: IF 'Ashton' THEN blank post.]
Preserve that sunny disposition for more truly deserving recipients, Solnishka. I am not Worthy of such unremitting Attention.

(That's Russ for Little Sunshine.)