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New Moz justs get better n'better..
Dunno if world come to end if 1.4 Release be the last before PHBs work their manic disintegration of all things Bright & Beautiful. (You can't blame a Suited-Beast for being Insensitive? But, I do.)

d/l'd [link|http://mozilla.org/releases/mozilla1.4rc1/| Moz 1.04rc1] (Release Notes)

This is 4th Moz 'upgrade' for me since finally interring NS 4.0 -- when it then snagged a humongous mail, bookmark collection from NS --> Moz with nary a glitch, and without needing to be coached.

Not once! has an upgrade lost mail (I have lots - file sys) or a bookmark (I have Lots = 1.5M - file sys also). Just give it a new folder-name w/vers.# manually during install; will create the dir after asking permission. I like polite program(mer)s. (Overwriting existing folder is a stated no-no) Aside from d/l of 12MB - (will eventually send) Kudos for a fast, perfect Install manager! So far:

Faster site load.
Bookmark manager apparently rebuilt down to the rods & mains - spacers can have names now + the whole pile of featurez from before. Somehow the typeface looks sharper, I think - but I'd also expect that they'd crow about overhauling font engines -?-
More er granular pop-up blocking - can set to flag in task-bar and/or allow pop-ups for sites which use this abomination for useful information. A stab at SPAM/Junk handling..

Mozilla 1.4 contains thousands of bugfixes, including changes to improve performance, stability, web site compatability, standards support, and usability.

While Moz recommends at least a P1-233, it seems to fare adequately on the -133 box (awaiting a -166 from kindly Sven Scoeneye, a continent away!)

I guess all browsers are bloating inevitably; nice that the bloat can be accompanied by just.loading.stuff.faster, too! Perhaps they hired Steve Gibson to drop in some assy. lang. accelerators a la Chromazone ;-)
I mean.. I Hate Upgrading Anything that still works; Moz. has wrecked my Religion.

Ashton Reluctant Upgrades LLC

Wow! .. I wonder if that previous BACK command glitch, assoc. with the cache - was slowing other events: Preview just snaps-in, as I haven't seen in quite a while since the first NS --> Moz switch flew. As-in DSL on dial-up ?!
New The keyboard handling's much better than earlier too.
You've tried Ctrl-T (open a new tab) Ctrl-Tab (cycle between tabs)? 1.4 claims to let you define the default URL for a new tab (1.3 - that I'm using doesn't have that). You've noticed that just typing a letter (when the URL bar doesn't have the focus) highlights a link with that letter in it? Keyboard navigation is approaching Lynx-like functionality, and that's a very good thing. :-)

There are lots and lots of great things about Mozilla (some borrowed from Opera and elsewhere). I agree it'll be a terrible loss if AOLTW kills the Netscape group. It's another indication of the power of OpenSource that even though it'll be a huge loss, the product will continue on and be expandable and fixable by others.

New Let no good deed go unpunished..
..like a premature starry-eyed Review?

So.. after writing this p\ufffdan to Moz, I attempt to log onto a Yahoo tech forum and,

"Your browser won't accept our cookie" yada

Step-by-step.. end up naked (except firewall!) / No Filters ie. direct web connection and still "ditto".

Look up Bugzilla list for 1.4rc1 No cookie reports.
I file my first Bugzilla Report.
(An excellent lead-by-hand tutorial, BTW - newbie friendly w/o maudlin condescension OR compressed-TLAs)
(I first killed rc1 and ran 1.30 - cookies no problem. Nuked cache (yes, aware of what That can contain re such troubleshooting oddities). Run 1.4rc1: same deal.)

~ 8 minutes later! get a reply from the 'assigned' person mentioning.. what I guess is relevant news here for all interested in this release:
------- Additional Comments From xxxxx@spamcop.net 2003-06-08 03:54 -------
Reporter, can you

a) Check if you accept all cookies (under Privacy & Security->Cookies) ? And check that you allow Javascript to read cookies (under Advanced->Scripts & Plugins) ? Mozilla 1.4 is using PP3P now ('Privacy Settings'), which make it more complicated to see what's going on.

b) generate a cookie log if you're still having trouble - this might help locate the problem. See [link|http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=193951#c1|http://bugzilla.mozi....cgi?id=193951#c1] for instructions

c) try a fresh profile to make sure there aren't any legacy prefs that've been
carried over (yes, it does happen)
Omigawd - now there is a PP#P to grok. Well, time to review "command line shells in Doze", I suppose, re generating the cookie log. The "cmd" ref in this link is hardly the syntax for the task. No joy in the Advanced/Scripts & Plugins, either - and of course, "accept All Cookies" was indeed the setting checked, in both slots.

Right after I deinstall the sucker, reinstall in new Profile and test. Read Moz notes on Uninstall method preferred. Hmm it seems that there are Lots of *replacements* for the Doze shell facility, out there: I guess the built-in one is down to the Usual Standards. But it's only fair to meet such alacrity from the Moz mob with a decent side foray into screwing with the machinery. Oh well.

Ain't logic fun?


New Life is Good when.. your first Easter Egg

Thanks to the fine clue in the last sentence of the IncrediblyFast responder:

I looked up the various config files' locales under Release notes. Fired up X-Pad (the neat Radsoft replacement for brain-dead Notepad: which displays properly formatted cookie files, among other things). Looked at dates on some of these and zeroed in on a file, cook.perm.txt which seemed to contain some rilly-old bad ju-ju - if not exactly a smoking Dubya.

Renamed the sucker. Killed 1.4. Started 1.4: Yahoo happy!
{sigh} ... so far. Save nuking a Profile with whateverTF-else might have gotten nuked too, long since forgotten; Uninstall, Reinstall. Lazy.

Will send note to My Bug after a few more trials. Thanked Mr. Speedy. If I didn't know better, I'd almost imagine self competent :-\ufffd [Hah] Spelled l-u-c-

New I tried the OS/2 version . .
. . of 1.4rc1 and found it too buggy to use - I actually had to push the reset button to restart OS/2 once. I've gone back to 1.3b which works just fine (I suppose there's a 1.3 without the b(eta) by now).
New On Mozilla bug reports and auto-features.
[link|http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=208702| My bug] report & followup.

I mentioned the alacrity (!) - a first comment within ~8 MINUTES.
While I haven't yet done enough sleuthing to see the relevance of the file I renamed, cookies.perm.txt - it's clear that the phenom ceased after I did that. (Thanks to hint from above re 'legacy stuff brought forward') Dunno what other effects might occur but,

Today a Moz crash occurred, a couple moves after I'd saved a message to the [same site!] at Yahoo re car techno stuff (my car!). Just want to comment here upon the intelligence of the Moz approach IMhO and suggest everyone leave this feature active -- because if it doesn't piss Me off, it's gotta be Good!

The menu that popped up [behind the Error box] explained perzackly what Moz requested, and with an exhaustive menu of the data they seek from my machine, >what they will Not do with it< etc. This plus space to indicate what I was doing & where. It was good enough for me, so I let firewall send it - noting Catch 22.V.2:

Without launching Moz again, I could neither copy & paste the exact link, nor even access Mail to give [possibly related] Moz Bug Report addy!
(That is, as everyone Knows by now: ANY crash in Doze is grounds for a reboot after saving whatever one can. Had I relaunched Moz? perhaps the bug report itself would have entered into full-BSOD limbo. Yada yada.)

So I gave a close enough description of the URL and activity and mentioned the bug report under my E-mail addy.

OK, obv everyone here is quite familiar with the etiquette for brief and accurate bug reports, beginning with KISS. I just want to observe that, Moz's method and execution seems to me rilly Good. It aids in KISS, but also hints for the unwashed, what is most relevant. I don't mind investing some time, when the process is as smart as this one (and the stakes are: My Own fscking browser of choice! which I'd like to see Perfected.. er, close)

I think this means that: even newbies out there ought also to leave this feature active; just follow Mickey's Big Hand, and little personal deep thought is demanded. I shall so proselytize, among those I turn-on to Moz VS Beastware.

New Moz 1.4 RC1 for Windows blew up on my 98 box
so I went back to 1.3 of Mozilla. Not sure why, but it gave me a GPF whenever it went to launch the 1.4 RC1 browser.

"If you're going to cheat, cheat fair. If there's anything I hate it's a crooked crook!" -Moe Howard
New Fine: do yer duty - help the stats:
If you don't support Moz in such a simple way - what browser could you replace it with, on M$-POSs? Hey - you know more about this crap than I do: Use It!

Nuke cache before shutdown 1.3
Since it's Doze, I'd just reboot - since it's indeterminate what else might be in RAM.

Go into 1.4 files:
Find cook.perm.txt and rename however you like.

Launch 1.4 - does it work?
I haven't perused lots of other files that are deemed user data, saved - and might also bring a bad legacy number into the various .js prefs. (I haven't even bothered to sleuth just How this file is used)

But if perchance the above simple change Does make a difference on YAN box, it's worth knowing by Bugzilla. Send a report to My Bug, then.


If that doesn't work: how big a deal is it to follow the Moz suggestion: reinstall 1.4 in a New Profile and then try. See - two simple tests and You Help.

So far, my 1.4rc1 is performing fine - since. (And without yet reinstalling into a new Profile) The added bookmark capabilities are welcome (here, anyway).

New I've done what I could
1.4 RC1 works on the Windows 2000 box, but not the Windows 98 one. I tried clearing the cache, using a different profile, rebooting, removed the cookies, etc. A bug report was filed. I am sticking with 1.3 on 98 for now until the next Mozilla release when I hope it fixes the problem.

"If you're going to cheat, cheat fair. If there's anything I hate it's a crooked crook!" -Moe Howard
New Did you file a bug?
Remember the FFF rule when dealing with Free Software.

[link|http://www.debian.org|Shill For Hire]
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
Expand Edited by pwhysall June 14, 2003, 12:35:28 PM EDT
New Re: Did you file a bug?
What is the FFF rule?

"If you're going to cheat, cheat fair. If there's anything I hate it's a crooked crook!" -Moe Howard
New Re: Did you file a bug?
File a bug, fix it, or fuck off :-)

[link|http://www.debian.org|Shill For Hire]
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
New It got fixed
all I had to do was install to a different directory than 1.3 was in. It works now.

"If you're going to cheat, cheat fair. If there's anything I hate it's a crooked crook!" -Moe Howard
New Ummm...
I appreciate the mememory-thing, so I can't walk in your moccasins - But - since the first paeans of ecstasy about Moz, right chere in River City: the point of Not overlaying a previous install has been mentioned 3-5x, and at Moz under Release Notes.

You Knew This! (Hell, even I knew this) - you always type-in a New Directory on install. And moz next-step asks, "Shall I make a new directory?" Huh huh?

Anyway, nice that it works now. rc2 is due yesterday. I suppose I'll wait for Gold. Have you noted the bookmark handling yet? Under, "Manage Bookmarks" - snazzy new window at top which starts searching on the first character typed. (Mine's > 1.5 MB)

When I find out where to send, anon: I want to suggest that a Search on "names given to separators" (another new feature) return the collection of links below - instead of the usual list of individual entries matching the mask, wherever found (But not.. the other links you grouped together, and whose names you have forgotten).

Ah Progress - the largest of illusions.

New Memory thing
I may have read about it, but forgotten about it later. I didn't even think of trying to install to a different directory.

I like the bookmark search feature, my bookmarks used to be big, until I had a hard disk error that destroyed my bookmarks file and the recovery gave me 90% junk and I was left with just 10% of my bookmarks.

One of the ideas I had was for a bookmark management software, sort of like your own personal search engine, but I never worked out the details beyond analysis. It would store URLs in a database, and then you could search by description, keywords, type of site (COM, ORG, NET, GOV, EDU, etc), etc. Sort of like your own personal Yahoo or Google with categories, and the program would open up the web site in your favorite browser.

"If you're going to cheat, cheat fair. If there's anything I hate it's a crooked crook!" -Moe Howard
New Epiphany does that.

[link|http://www.debian.org|Shill For Hire]
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
New Curse You Red Barren
First that screen shot with Gnome & razor sharp fonts, and now [link|http://www.nwfusion.com/compendium/archive/002368.html| Epiphany]!

..makin Doze98 look even uglier. As bad as boilin the frogs.

not/ready/to-slide-down/ that 10' razor-blade of, find where they hid the config file for This little gem & how it works VS That Other one that had it in 'dev/nope/not/here/sucker' cha cha cha. Not til I feel reeel masochistic re some week of 24/7 jargon-replacement therapy
New When I get Linux installed I wll look at that
and see what it works like.

"If you're going to cheat, cheat fair. If there's anything I hate it's a crooked crook!" -Moe Howard
New Hah.
I'm more likely to get Linux up, limp and walking while-it-looks all over for &^$#% configs Somewhere - before you.

Uh what were we talking about?
New Talking about
learning a new trade, if my memory serves me. As in learning something new instead of the usual Microsoft technology.
New Re: Moz 1.4 RC2 working fine now
I just upgraded to 14. RC2, works fine so far.
     Moz justs get better n'better.. - (Ashton) - (20)
         The keyboard handling's much better than earlier too. - (Another Scott) - (3)
             Let no good deed go unpunished.. - (Ashton) - (2)
                 Life is Good when.. your first Easter Egg - (Ashton)
                 I tried the OS/2 version . . - (Andrew Grygus)
         On Mozilla bug reports and auto-features. - (Ashton)
         Moz 1.4 RC1 for Windows blew up on my 98 box - (orion) - (14)
             Fine: do yer duty - help the stats: - (Ashton) - (12)
                 I've done what I could - (orion) - (11)
                     Did you file a bug? - (pwhysall) - (10)
                         Re: Did you file a bug? - (orion) - (9)
                             Re: Did you file a bug? - (pwhysall) - (8)
                                 It got fixed - (orion) - (7)
                                     Ummm... - (Ashton) - (6)
                                         Memory thing - (orion) - (5)
                                             Epiphany does that. -NT - (pwhysall) - (4)
                                                 Curse You Red Barren - (Ashton) - (3)
                                                     When I get Linux installed I wll look at that - (orion) - (2)
                                                         Hah. - (Ashton) - (1)
                                                             Talking about - (orion)
             Re: Moz 1.4 RC2 working fine now - (orion)

Perhaps if we built this large wooden badger...
155 ms