"Marlowe" reports in from *his* planet:
Not here on Earth. Too bad you people haven't the moral courage to join me.

Blood-thirsty war-mongering, vulgar rah-rah "patriotism" (of a kind that would probably make real American patriots like Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin vomit), and totally un-critically accepting the blatant propaganda of your own "regime" -- the *farthest you can get* from anything like rebellion against those in power -- is somehow indicative of *courage* ??? How the fuck do you reckon that?

[Edit:] Two weeks have gone; still no answer from "courageous" Philly-boy.

I'm gonna keep up the pressure and watch you spinners deniers and Big Lie-ers squirm and squeal.
Would that be "spinners" that "squirm and squeal" as in "We're fighting to avenge 9/11! ... Uh, that is, we're fighting to remove Saddam's nukes! ... Uh, that is, we're fighting to complete what WE decided not to do in '91... Uh, that is, we're fighting to Liberate the Iraqis!"; would those be "deniers and Big Lie-ers" as in "He's got Weapons of Mass Destruction! We just know it, and we're going to show them to you as soon as we take Baghdad! Meanwhile, see this thoroughly prepared analysis by our legions of spies and military strategists... which just happens to be pretty much identical to a treatise by some undergrad that we pulled off the 'Net.", or what? I mean, what the fuck... What "spinning and denying and Big Lying" *is* there, that comes even *close* to this?!?

It's just gonna keep coming. More links to eyewitness accounts. More reports from reliable sources. More debunking of lies. More ridicule of hysterics. You can't escape. You can only decide to face it, or continue to suffer.
You've lost all contact with planet Earth, haven't you?

And it's not just me. This whole country is waking up. It's going to get harder and harder to find an enclave where you don't get the truth rubbed in your face about how wrong you were all along, and how stupid and childish you look now. You'll have to hole up in Frisco, build barricades, wrap your heads in tinfoil and censor the Internet feed.
So, you're basically saying everyone else agrees with you...

And you don't even *notice* that this means, equally, that you agree with everyone else -- or are you really whacko enough to think that agreeing with everyone else is somehow the "courageous" stand to take?!? Which is it?

Soon you'll be molesting your kids and waiting for a spaceship behind a comet to take you all to a socialist worker's paradise.
Judging from the grip on reality you've demonstrated so far, I'm more worried about you in these respects. (Heck, on the "molesting your kids" thing, I can see you being into that already.)