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Now viewing page 108 of 701
Politics Oh, he got his issues - (crazy)
Politics Best insult I've ever seen - (crazy) - (9)
Politics I think you misinterpreted him - (crazy) - (2)
Politics My dad had a Reagan saying - (crazy)
Politics yeah, they have - (crazy)
Politics Contract on America - (crazy) - (2)
Politics If Pence becomes acting President does he still have the right to break a tie in the Senate? - (crazy) - (1)
Politics I've dealt with that 40% my whole life - (crazy) - (2)
Linux I interviewed the guy who tought the Oracle pl/sql team - (crazy)
Linux I had about a year of deep VMS - (crazy)
Now viewing page 108 of 701

It's all fun and games until someone loses a lung.
795 ms