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Windows vX.X Arrrg, errors are not redirected - (tablizer) - (12)
Windows vX.X I see a "/c" option, but no logging what's skipped... - (tablizer) - (16)
Windows vX.X Copy harddrive without "access denied" stops? - (tablizer) - (18)
Open Okay, I see it now - (tablizer)
Open You mean the "payroll" example? Not very specific - (tablizer) - (31)
Regional/World Conflict Divide world into 3 parts: - (tablizer) - (9)
Flame Quarantine Now you know why I miss XBase - (tablizer)
Flame Quarantine Windows XP sucks sucks sucks - (tablizer)
Open Domestic Analogy - (tablizer) - (2)
Theory and Practice of Programming model the real world - (tablizer) - (4)
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Life was hard for the pioneers, but every now and again, someone would get out the fiddle and make it all worse.
276 ms