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Theory and Practice of Programming I didn't pay you to make unsubstantiated claims either - (tablizer)
Theory and Practice of Programming Polymorphism is limited - (tablizer) - (14)
Theory and Practice of Programming Prove it by showing me "difficult" procedural code - (tablizer) - (2)
Theory and Practice of Programming Can't tell because there are too many definitions of OO - (tablizer)
Theory and Practice of Programming You proved my point - (tablizer) - (16)
Theory and Practice of Programming Reminds me of Greencodd's Law - (tablizer) - (1)
Theory and Practice of Programming The Love Bloat - Scary OOP Mess - (tablizer) - (24)
Theory and Practice of Programming Are hecklers allowed? -NT - (tablizer)
Theory and Practice of Programming Link busted? -NT - (tablizer)
Oh, Pun! Screw Quick-Time - (tablizer) - (1)
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Inquiring minds want to scream.
268 ms