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Ben Tilly

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The Water Cooler It strongly depends on the people - (ben_tilly)
The Water Cooler Huh - (ben_tilly)
The Water Cooler Do try to be less of a moron, OK? - (ben_tilly) - (2)
Oh, Pun! Nasty one-liner - (ben_tilly) - (1)
Regional/World Conflict Actually it does cause cancer -NT - (ben_tilly)
Linux What FUD? - (ben_tilly)
News Picks If you're glad, then I'm glad. -NT - (ben_tilly) - (3)
Suggestions IRLRPD - (ben_tilly) - (1)
News Picks For a simple reason - (ben_tilly) - (15)
News Picks Columbia was the one with problems with falling foam - (ben_tilly) - (28)
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