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The Water Cooler Happy Birhtday to the old Folk(ert)! -NT - (jb4)
Suggestions ICanotherLRPD (new thread) - (jb4)
Suggestions ICanotherLRPD - (jb4)
Suggestions IreadLRPD - (jb4)
Politics In today's dead-tree Milw. Journal-Sentinel - (jb4)
Test Forum Re: Rock And Roll, Hoochie Koo - (jb4)
Suggestions ...For rather expansive values of "blue" and "green"... -NT - (jb4)
Theory and Practice of Programming Agree w/ Drook - (jb4)
Jobs Agree. - (jb4)
Open My fscking Ghod! - (jb4)
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Should be pasted on all overpasses.
908 ms