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Politics Well, duh... You don't live here - (hnick)
Politics I believe you have identified the problem - (hnick) - (2)
Politics Not to confound your expectations, but - (hnick) - (42)
Sportsball Just got back from Minnesota a half hour ago. - (hnick)
Politics Hmmm... - (hnick)
Stupid PHB Tricks Sounds a lot like my day at work... sorrry about that. -NT - (hnick)
Stupid PHB Tricks What he probably meant to say was - (hnick) - (3)
Politics To be expected, really. - (hnick)
Politics I don't think it matters any more. - (hnick) - (17)
Politics You're better than that - (hnick) - (24)
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I don’t need to see anyone celebrate breaking a huddle…
339 ms