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Another Scott

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Politics Heh. - (Another Scott) - (6)
Politics :-) I try to be consistent (and not in the hobgoblin sense!!) - (Another Scott)
Politics Biden has a stutter and gets tongue-tied at times. - (Another Scott) - (9)
Artificial Intelligence +1 - (Another Scott)
Epicuria and Health Another new report - (Another Scott)
Epicuria and Health Thanks for the pointer. - (Another Scott) - (2)
Epicuria and Health Made me look for something I saw a while ago... - (Another Scott)
Internet I knew this wasn't going to be about a dead cable modem... - (Another Scott)
Epicuria and Health Sending all the good thoughts and best wishes. Hang in there. -NT - (Another Scott)
Epicuria and Health I blame breakfast cereal. - (Another Scott) - (2)
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That would make a great .sig!
3,187 ms