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Another Scott

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Arts and Entertainment Wow, lots of changes! - (Another Scott) - (1)
News Picks As you say, a DMZ won't work. - (Another Scott)
Security Good luck to all the crazies. 🙂 -NT - (Another Scott) - (2)
Security 👍 -NT - (Another Scott)
Open 👍 -NT - (Another Scott)
Security How? - (Another Scott) - (1)
Security Sorry you are caught up on all that. - (Another Scott) - (3)
Software and Applications Thanks for the pointer. - (Another Scott) - (1)
Theory and Practice of Programming Excellent. Passed on. Thanks. -NT - (Another Scott)
Epicuria and Health Obamacare. Don't wait. Do it now. - (Another Scott) - (4)
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Non-migratory, just like cocopabanana blaps.
8,653 ms