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Another Scott

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Artificial Intelligence I took a course on brains in college (to satisfy a biology requirement). - (Another Scott)
Politics schrodingers cat on Balloon-Juice has been talking about this for a while. - (Another Scott)
Epicuria and Health Thanks for the update. - (Another Scott)
Artificial Intelligence This sounds potentially very useful - Project Tailwind. - (Another Scott) - (1)
Reviews AFAIK, the lack of immobilizers was on older models. - (Another Scott)
Reviews New toy. - (Another Scott) - (3)
Artificial Intelligence Re: Not a bubble. - (Another Scott) - (1)
Artificial Intelligence Re: Does it matter? - (Another Scott) - (5)
Whither Scripting? [ snort! ] -NT - (Another Scott)
Artificial Intelligence DeLong still isn't sold on ChatGPT - (Another Scott) - (13)
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