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Jack Troughton

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Politics But Bill - (jake123) - (4)
Politics Because it doesn't have to work - (jake123) - (9)
Politics Yeah, if by losing you mean - (jake123) - (8)
Epicuria and Health Makes sense to me - (jake123)
Money, Financials, and Economics The rest of the first world - (jake123)
Money, Financials, and Economics That's the problem beep - (jake123)
Hardware That looks good. -NT - (jake123)
Politics There's one way in which you're not quite right, Box - (jake123) - (1)
Money, Financials, and Economics So, make them pay the rent - (jake123) - (2)
Money, Financials, and Economics Which, of course, is completely insane -NT - (jake123)
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Might as well recite a poem in Swahili.
594 ms