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Jack Troughton

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Politics Awesome! - (jake123)
Politics Well, you know - (jake123)
Politics I said discursively dominant - (jake123)
Politics Considering that Morales is a socialist - (jake123) - (2)
Politics Yes - (jake123) - (4)
Politics If you're far more worried about the costs of running such a - (jake123) - (1)
General Q&A Yeah, but if they hired a guy in 2008 to run it - (jake123)
General Q&A True enough - (jake123) - (2)
General Q&A Re: Valve's Steam coming to Linux. - (jake123) - (5)
Open Yep - (jake123)
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I see mass suicides and riots in the future as every urkel fashion sense inspired computer nerd throws down their oxy pads and mutters, "enough is enough," then takes to the streets, scsi cards in hand, and it will be dark, dark day indeed my friend.
105 ms