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Jack Troughton

Now viewing page 111 of 486
Politics It's called triage - (jake123) - (3)
Politics I can't find a specific stat for kidney stones - (jake123)
Politics Re: 1 in 15 the other guys are illegals :-) - (jake123) - (2)
Politics The fact that you guys can't summon the will - (jake123)
Politics Hey, look, box lost his insurance... - (jake123) - (4)
Oh, Pun! Damn. - (jake123) - (11)
Politics So, you acknowledge that it's rationed. - (jake123) - (6)
Politics They are completely incapable - (jake123)
Politics Is there not anything in the Military Code of Justice about - (jake123) - (1)
Politics Yes, it could - (jake123) - (14)
Now viewing page 111 of 486

I'd interracially copulate with an alien at this point, and take it to breakfast even.
566 ms