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Jack Troughton

Now viewing page 117 of 486
Open I think it's more a matter of being insulting - (jake123)
Politics Yeah, to find that - (jake123) - (8)
Politics He had a long interview with Steve Paikan on The Agenda - (jake123) - (1)
Politics I'm kind of suspecting that it's a big - (jake123)
Open Damn. That sucks. - (jake123) - (1)
Politics That's not an argument against it - (jake123)
Open Indeed, welcome to the F club. -NT - (jake123) - (1)
Open Besides which, that just wouldn't work - (jake123)
Open You too, Mike! -NT - (jake123) - (1)
Money, Financials, and Economics Yeah, but OTOH - (jake123)
Now viewing page 117 of 486

I KNOW I shouldn’t think about it, I’ll scare myself to death but after seventeen hours in the air, I can’t get the worst case scenario out of my head.

No, not a plane crash. I’m convinced that I am breathing more farts than air.
556 ms