Politics |
The end result of demonizing political opponents.
- (malraux)
- (3)
- Oct. 8, 2020, 12:30:23 PM EDT
Politics |
How hatred came to dominate American politics
- (malraux)
- (6)
- Oct. 5, 2020, 12:03:41 PM EDT
Politics |
Huge unhinged tweetstorm this morning.
- (malraux)
- Oct. 5, 2020, 09:26:07 AM EDT
Politics |
It will take longer than 3 weeks after for that to be the case
- (malraux)
- Oct. 2, 2020, 11:54:25 AM EDT
Politics |
They can cause undecideds to break one way or the other
- (malraux)
- (1)
- Sept. 30, 2020, 08:48:35 AM EDT
Politics |
Yep, out of control.
- (malraux)
- (6)
- Sept. 29, 2020, 11:36:54 PM EDT
Politics |
Don't want to buy a new TV so no thanks.
- (malraux)
- Sept. 29, 2020, 11:56:32 AM EDT
Flame Quarantine |
Ooooo, self-own. Fun!
- (malraux)
- Sept. 29, 2020, 09:20:44 AM EDT
Politics |
I doubt it's going to move the needle any.
- (malraux)
- (1)
- Sept. 27, 2020, 09:14:41 PM EDT
Politics |
The President’s Taxes
- (malraux)
- (24)
- Sept. 27, 2020, 07:15:45 PM EDT