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Brian Bronson

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The Water Cooler Hmmm, minute by minute? - (bbronson)
News Picks Can you say multi-billion dollar lawsuit? I knew you could - (bbronson) - (2)
The Water Cooler Ooh, hadn't thought of that - (bbronson)
News Picks HelpDesk has identified the real cause - (bbronson) - (4)
The Water Cooler I soloed today! - (bbronson) - (8)
Apple You have a nice friend -NT - (bbronson) - (1)
News Picks Makes sense, ergo it won't happen - (bbronson) - (1)
Internet It may not be your syntax - (bbronson) - (1)
Politics I don't understand what you mean - (bbronson)
Security Didn't get infected; called helpdesk so I never opened it - (bbronson)
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It me, your father.
109 ms