What other angle has any meaning at all?
Communication is about eliciting a desired response.
If you aren't thinking about that response when you are composing your output, you are babbling.
When one of the options is "by shooting at our troops" and another is "by cooperating in pursuit of our objectives that cannot be atained without their cooperation" the question "gee, how are they gonna react to this?" is not some silly PC thing. You don't refrain from saying what needs to be said, you don't lie, but you speak with great care and precision.
When you are a professional communicator in a position like that, for every single on-the-record word you utter, you have a duty to think. You owe it to your country in the same sense that a soldier owes his obedience to lawful orders. And for the same reason - lives and the future of your country (or, in this case, the country we are either liberating or consigning to yet another bloody dictator) are on the line.