This is my letter to the CEO of CDW:
Mr. John Edwardson
200 N. Milwaukee Ave.
Vernon Hills, IL 60061
Mr. Edwardson:
Recently I received unsolicited email from your Customer Relations department. The purpose of this email was for me to evaluate \ufffd behind her back \ufffd my service representative, Ms. Laura Hamlin.
Let me say first off that Ms. Hamlin has done an outstanding job for us \ufffd my primary source of hardware and software is CDW, largely because of her excellent service. She deserves an extra day off on the company. We are a smallish family business, but our systems are our lifelines, for us to service OUR customers in the best way we can \ufffd and Ms. Hamlin treats me the same way she would a mega-million dollar customer.
This foul business with the sneaky online survey really raised my hackles though \ufffd I don\ufffdt know what person there convinced you this was a good idea, but let me tell you \ufffd it is not. You cannot get your people to provide good service by sneaking around behind their backs. You get good performance from your people by 1) hiring good people 2) putting them under good management 3) treating them like people, not survey targets. We at Kranz have a loyal and committed customer base because we treat all our customers like they are the most important ones \ufffd which, of course, they are. We don\ufffdt need to sneak around with hidden surveys with fawning, fake preambles, asking if our mechanics and sales reps are doing a good job. We know they are \ufffd because they are part of our family and we treat them that way \ufffd and they are good to begin with.
In short, I would recommend you send out a few less surveys, and instead put Ms. Hamlin in charge of Customer Relations. She and her coworkers are the reason you are succeeding in this impossible market.
Danny Ross Lunsford
Kranz Automotive Body Co.
Light is heavy:
R{} = (2R/W)T - (1/2W){D-2,D-2}W
Heavy is light:
(D-3)(RF[] + 5/4 g) = 0

Edited by
April 22, 2003, 04:47:29 PM EDT