I would add only an expansion of a point you have not missed:

Begin noticing the commonalities of 'Fundamentalists' of all stripes.

Whether here or abroad, whatever ethnicity - their common goal is the imposition upon all others, of their narrow man-made interpretation of ancient man-written 'Scriptures'. These will place their ego's interpretations of these retranslated and interpreted words - above all concepts *of all humanity*, for each 'Believes' He is acting for God. This while.. piously preaching, the sanctity of human life. You can't have Both!

In this last is the baldfaced evidence that even language itself is "fair game", once one has achieved fanatic-levels of 'theological' Certainty.

These are the avowed enemies of any concept of an 'open society' and of, the tolerance of diverse opinions essential to such a society. They are certainly my philosophical 'enemy'; only today it is much clearer why these are also enemies in the pragmatic daily sense: that of mere physical survival as and within an open society.
