Of all empires of the past 2,500 years China is the only surviving one and is yet again on the resurgence after approx 150 years of foreign intervention & political weakness. ????.
What did you make your original post for then, it seems to me you are really admiting you made an attack on China for no useful purpose & to establish no point that bears any relevance to the war on Iraq. They you failed to prove anything other than not understanding the point you tried to make.
The outcome of this episode is to paint you as a 'mouth' rather than a 'brain'.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
(I promise will not hold this against you in future debates (only what you post and how you defend it) but do keep away from posting your 'wisdom & insights' on China because you have shown us that wisdom and insight is not what inspires your sino-knowledge.
China *does* have wisdom & a wealth of experience in being and sustaining an empire & apart from the issue of land-locked Tibet. Has *never* been the slightet bit guilty of being an aggresive imperialist force seeking domination beyond its immediate (last 1000 years) borders or spheres of influence (Korea, Tibet, Hainan, Taiwan & Hong Kong/Macau. (just remember that the 1st Chinese dynasty included *all* of Siberia - have you ever heard any Chinese saying they want it back ???). (Go back & look at your 1st post in this unfortunate thread).
Doug Marker