It would have to rely on '50s era cant - since which:

I don't think there exists today - an either useful or merely agreed-on definition of either so-called polarity! (Except that maybe.. many would agree that the conceptual line is bent in a circle and the far-Rightful ones meet the bomb-throwing Anarchists & Shake Hands)

Use of these epithets has become so ingrained as politico-blab: it survives, like not walking under ladders. As Confucious observed ~ when language is fucked: you are fucked.

So let's hear it from any 'side' of this icosahedron:

WHAT is 'Left' ?
WHAT is 'Right' ?

(And for encore: tell me what it is that self-labelled 'Conservatives' most want to conserve. Then - what has 'Liberal' to do with a "liberal education" [and if not / why not])

But start a new topic; this multi-volume set can't bear the right-shift..

who predicts that no one wants to take This one on.