One million microCupidities == One US MegaCorp. (Surely MicroSloth wins on Most-$/Max-defects/on a single CD; maybe the only datum for which they might ever be dubbed reliable.)

Dare we expect some help from the more literate, adult populations of the civilized countries? After all, could there be a clearer symbol of the general level of citizenship here, than Dubya/Halliburton-Cheney/Rummy?

I don't know the local Corp Rules in the rest of Euro; obviously when it comes to limitless greed - the Swiss are hardly behind the US. They hjust can't draw from such a large pool of local suckers. (Guess we needn't go into the Art / Jew-swindles before, during and after WW-II.. but WTF - why not?)

Believe the core problem has been ID'd already: in the US it takes the form of bestowing 'personhood' status upon this ersatz entity; as Box's new sig summarizes: that personhood, without social responsibility makes The Corporation a sociopath. How in Finland and the surrounding territories? Noblesse oblige in full flower?

In the end of course, if the Murican Peepul remain as obtuse and disinterested as to date - there isn't the slightest danger to Corporate Rule indefinitely. The ignorance is too high and the attention span too low, to face an adversary as entrenched as Saddam and only slightly less malevolent. Just wave a flag and sing a Patriotic song - they'll follow you anywhere.

So hows about it? I propose:
Some Missionaries from adult countries to begin explaining to Muricans that they are harbouring a Suited Mafia far more destructive of all chances for a civil world than the (at least Opera-loving..) So. Europe Originals. Bring tracts, written reeel simply, some up-to-date folksingers and.. hand out free Lottery tickets to get the crowd in for the show.

Oh.. and the slide show, with those colorful and ominous graphs of the Velocity of Money --> into fewer and fewer overstuffed pockets. (Then you could perhaps explain our Constitution. For an encore, after passing out the Soma and maybe coupons for a McBurger)

Call it.. The Clue-by-4 Crusade?
