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New waaah waaaah (US re WTO)

WASHINGTON (Dow Jones)--U.S. officials reacted angrily to reports a World Trade Organization dispute settlement panel has found the Bush administration's safeguard tariffs on imported steel violate international trade laws.


Members of Congress said yet another high-profile loss of a WTO case is eroding U.S. support for participation in the international group.

"The WTO is trying to change the rules arbitrarily and without precedent to dismantle America's trade laws in order to attack the U.S. manufacturing base," said Rep. Phil English, R-Pa. "This outrageous decision, unless reversed, undermines America's participation in the world trading system."

Chris Altmann
New Guess we'd better break that treaty too. Secede from world.
New Why go through that formality?
We don't need to sucede, we just declare the WTO irrelevant. (like the World Court, International Law, the UN, etc.)

Osama bin Laden's brother could fly in US airspace 9/15/01, but I had to wait for FBI and CIA background checks, 'nuff said?
New If at first you don't secede...
...you can practice a very selective reading of "international law."

As the only superpower, the United States needs international law less than other nations. We can protect our interests with brute force if we want to, or if we believe that nothing else really matters in the end. What we cannot do is sneer at international law one day and invoke it the next. Nor can we pick and choose among the agreements we've signed and expect other countries not to do the same.


"Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist."
New Funny thing is, WTO is a US-created corporate lickspittle...
...created for the express purpose of bringing all the world's governments into line and stop them from "erecting barriers" -- to *American* trade.

The world's biggest corporations (which to an overwhelming degree means, American corporations -- check the names on the Fortune 500 list) are ever more rabidly trying to stamp out any impediments to the business of making money hand over fist.(*) Therefore, these "agreements" -- GATT, GATS, etc -- that those irrelevant anachronistic institutions, the political governments of the world's nations, are supposed to sign up and shut up about are mostly (if not exclusively?) "agreements" to limit the political powers of these same governments' *themselves*, enforced by the threats of political and economic ostracism (basically, "Sign up and shut up, or you won't get access to the U.S. and E.U. markets!"). Defined as "impediments to free trade" are not only tariffs, but also such silly irrelevancies as environmental norms, and, almost more often than not, consumer-safety laws(+) -- but, of course, tariffs more than anything. Just look what happens when someone tries to counteract the "dumping" of *American* steel on a *non-U.S* market, for instance -- The howls of outrage are almost audible across the oceans, *without* the benefit of telephones or such.

But, in typical Corporate American have-your-cake-and-eat-it fashion, American corporations who *aren't* all that competetitive at world market prices sure want tariffs to shelter *them* from the big bad competetition. And the Bush administration, of course, hastens to give Corporate America what Corporate America wants -- Biznizz Über Alles, and who gives a fuck about the proles?

Two-faced fucking assholes, all of them.

(*): *Now* do you begin to see what those "damn hippie" protestors in Prague, Seattle, and Genoa were so upset about?

(+): Which makes Drew K's oft-repeated suggestion about slapping tariffs equivalent to the cost of manufacturing in the U.S. on goods that compete with U.S-manufactured ones rather ironic -- God forbid it ever go the other way, eh?

   [link|mailto:MyUserId@MyISP.CountryCode|Christian R. Conrad]
(I live in Finland, and my e-mail in-box is at the Saunalahti company.)
Your lies are of Microsoftian Scale and boring to boot. Your 'depression' may be the closest you ever come to recognizing truth: you have no 'inferiority complex', you are inferior - and something inside you recognizes this. - [link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=71575|Ashton Brown]
New Obv worldwide problem - US merely tops the Greed Scale.
One million microCupidities == One US MegaCorp. (Surely MicroSloth wins on Most-$/Max-defects/on a single CD; maybe the only datum for which they might ever be dubbed reliable.)

Dare we expect some help from the more literate, adult populations of the civilized countries? After all, could there be a clearer symbol of the general level of citizenship here, than Dubya/Halliburton-Cheney/Rummy?

I don't know the local Corp Rules in the rest of Euro; obviously when it comes to limitless greed - the Swiss are hardly behind the US. They hjust can't draw from such a large pool of local suckers. (Guess we needn't go into the Art / Jew-swindles before, during and after WW-II.. but WTF - why not?)

Believe the core problem has been ID'd already: in the US it takes the form of bestowing 'personhood' status upon this ersatz entity; as Box's new sig summarizes: that personhood, without social responsibility makes The Corporation a sociopath. How in Finland and the surrounding territories? Noblesse oblige in full flower?

In the end of course, if the Murican Peepul remain as obtuse and disinterested as to date - there isn't the slightest danger to Corporate Rule indefinitely. The ignorance is too high and the attention span too low, to face an adversary as entrenched as Saddam and only slightly less malevolent. Just wave a flag and sing a Patriotic song - they'll follow you anywhere.

So hows about it? I propose:
Some Missionaries from adult countries to begin explaining to Muricans that they are harbouring a Suited Mafia far more destructive of all chances for a civil world than the (at least Opera-loving..) So. Europe Originals. Bring tracts, written reeel simply, some up-to-date folksingers and.. hand out free Lottery tickets to get the crowd in for the show.

Oh.. and the slide show, with those colorful and ominous graphs of the Velocity of Money --> into fewer and fewer overstuffed pockets. (Then you could perhaps explain our Constitution. For an encore, after passing out the Soma and maybe coupons for a McBurger)

Call it.. The Clue-by-4 Crusade?

Better to light a hundred candles under a fat cat, than curse the cupidity of his dark soul.
New Not what I suggested at all
Which makes Drew K's oft-repeated suggestion about slapping tariffs equivalent to the cost of manufacturing in the U.S. on goods that compete with U.S-manufactured ones rather ironic

Nope. What I suggested is that all goods sold in the U.S. have to be manufactured under the same workplace safety, environmental, minimum-wage etc. laws as companies in the U.S. must follow. No one could come up with a fair valuation of what those laws cost, though various groups provide estimates fairly regularly. So I avoid the whole problem by saying that if for instance a U.S. factory has to meet emissions standards, we will only import items made in factories that meet the same standards.

It's not about the money. If we claim to care so much about the environment (or the workers, etc.) then we shouldn't just shift the abuse offshore.

Implicitly condoning stupidity since 2001.
New Ah, OK. Sorry, I must'a mis-remembered it.
     waaah waaaah (US re WTO) - (altmann) - (7)
         Guess we'd better break that treaty too. Secede from world. -NT - (Ashton) - (2)
             Why go through that formality? - (mmoffitt)
             If at first you don't secede... - (rcareaga)
         Funny thing is, WTO is a US-created corporate lickspittle... - (CRConrad) - (3)
             Obv worldwide problem - US merely tops the Greed Scale. - (Ashton)
             Not what I suggested at all - (drewk) - (1)
                 Ah, OK. Sorry, I must'a mis-remembered it. -NT - (CRConrad)

"Professor, how do I know that I exist?"

"And who is asking?"
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